Implementation of the Glicko-2 rating algorithm. See
Add the necessary dependency to your project:
[ageneau/glicko2 "0.1.2"]
(ns glicko2.core-test
(:require [glicko2.core :as glicko2]))
(let [
;; First we define the rating parameters for the players we want to consider for the rating period
players {:player1 {:rating 1500
:rd 200
:vol 0.06}
:player2 {:rating 1400
:rd 30
:vol 0.06}
:player3 {:rating 1550
:rd 100
:vol 0.06}
:player4 {:rating 1700
:rd 300
:vol 0.06}}
;; The list of game results for the rating period
results [{:player1 :player1
:player2 :player2
:result glicko2/POINTS_FOR_WIN}
{:player1 :player3
:player2 :player1
:result glicko2/POINTS_FOR_WIN}
{:player1 :player4
:player2 :player1
:result glicko2/POINTS_FOR_WIN}]
;; Reasonable choices are between 0.3 and 1.2
tau 0.5
;; The compute-rating function returns an array of players with updated ratings
new-ratings (glicko2/compute-ratings players results tau)
;; The expected-game-outcome function returns a value between 0 and 1 representing the expected fractional score of a game
expected-outcome-game1 (glicko2/expected-game-outcome (get players :player1) (get players :player2))]
[{:desc "Updated rating for player1"
:value (glicko2/get-rating new-ratings :player1)}
{:desc "Updated rating deviation for player2"
:value (glicko2/get-rating-deviation new-ratings :player2)}
{:desc "Updated volatility for player2"
:value (glicko2/get-volatility new-ratings :player2)}
{:desc "All updated ratings"
:value new-ratings}
{:desc "Expected score of a game between player1 and player2"
:value expected-outcome-game1}])
To run the Clojure tests
lein test
To run the Clojurescript tests using NodeJS
lein do javac, doo node node-test
To run the Clojurescript tests using
lein do javac, doo phantom test
Copyright © 2018 Sylvain Ageneau
This project is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.