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The publicid package generates and validates NanoID strings designed to be publicly exposed.


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The publicid package generates and validates NanoID strings designed to be publicly exposed.

Design Goals and Architecture

The publicid package is designed to generate and validate unique, public-facing identifiers with a focus on simplicity, efficiency, and usability. Key design decisions include:

Alphabet Choice

  • Uses a 62-character alphabet: 0-9, A-Z, and a-z
  • Excludes special characters like _ and - to maintain a clean "block of characters" visual concept
  • Prioritizes easy copy-paste functionality, assuming this as the most common use case

ID Lengths

  • Default IDs: 8 characters
  • Long IDs: 12 characters

Collision Resistance

  • Default IDs: 1% collision probability after generating 8 billion IDs at 25 IDs/hour (~10 years)
  • Long IDs: 1% collision probability after generating 8 billion IDs at 25 IDs/second (~10 years)

Key Features

  1. Simplicity: Easy to generate and validate IDs
  2. URL-friendly: Suitable for use in web applications
  3. Configurable: Options for ID length and generation attempts
  4. Efficient: Fast generation and validation processes

These design choices aim to balance uniqueness, readability, and practical usage in modern web applications. The package is particularly suited for scenarios requiring public-facing, easy-to-share identifiers with a low risk of collisions.

For a detailed analysis of collision probabilities, refer to the NanoID Collision Calculator.


go get


To use the publicid package in your Go code, follow these steps:

  1. Import the package:
import ""
  1. Generate a default public ID (8 characters):
id, _ := publicid.New()
fmt.Println("Generated default public ID:", id)
// Output: Generated default public ID: Ab3xY9pQ
  1. Generate a long public ID (12 characters):
longID, _ := publicid.New(publicid.Long)
fmt.Println("Generated long public ID:", longID)
// Output: Generated long public ID: 7Zt3xY9pQr5W
  1. Use the Attempts option to specify the number of generation attempts:
id, _ := publicid.New(publicid.Attempts(5))
fmt.Println("Generated public ID within 5 attempts:", id)
// Output: Generated public ID within 5 attempts: Kj2mN8qL
  1. Validate a default public ID:
defaultID := "Ab3xY9pQ"
err := publicid.Validate(defaultID)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Invalid default ID:", err)
} else {
    fmt.Println("Valid default ID:", defaultID)
// Output: Valid default ID: Ab3xY9pQ
  1. Validate a long public ID:
longID := "7Zt3xY9pQr5W"
err := publicid.Validate(longID, publicid.Long)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Invalid long ID:", err)
} else {
    fmt.Println("Valid long ID:", longID)
// Output: Valid long ID: 7Zt3xY9pQr5W


import ""

Package publicid generates and validates NanoID strings designed to be publicly exposed. It uses the nanoid library to generate IDs and provides options to configure the generation process.



const (
    // DefaultAlphabet is the set of characters used for generating public IDs.
    // It includes 0-9, A-Z, and a-z, providing a balance between uniqueness and readability.
    DefaultAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    // DefaultIDLength is the default length for public IDs.
    // Set to 8 characters, it provides a 1% collision probability after generating
    // 8 billion IDs at 25 IDs/hour over approximately 10 years, assuming the use of DefaultAlphabet.
    DefaultIDLength = 8

    // LongIDLength is the length for long public IDs.
    // Set to 12 characters, it provides a 1% collision probability after generating
    // 8 billion IDs at 25 IDs/second over approximately 10 years, assuming the use of DefaultAlphabet.
    LongIDLength = 12

func New

func New(opts ...Option) (string, error)

New generates a unique nanoID with a length of 8 characters and the given options.

func Validate(id string, opts ...Option) error

Validate checks if a given field name's public ID value is valid according to the constraints defined by package publicid.

type Option

Option is a function type for configuring ID generation.

type Option func(*config)

Long returns an Option to set the length of the ID to be generated to 12.

var Long Option = Len(LongIDLength)

func Alphabet(a string) Option

Alphabet returns an Option to set the alphabet to be used for ID generation.

func Attempts(n int) Option

Attempts returns an Option to set the number of attempts for ID generation.

func Len

func Len(len int) Option

Len returns an Option to set the length of the ID to be generated.

Generated by gomarkdoc


jack@devbox ➜ make help

  make <target>

  help                  Display the list of targets and their descriptions

  install-devbox        Install Devbox
  devbox-update         Update Devbox
  devbox                Run Devbox shell

  install               Download go modules

  fmt                   Run go fmt
  generate              Generate and embed go documentation into
  vet                   Run go vet
  lint                  Run golangci-lint

Benchmarking, Testing, & Coverage
  bench                 Run Go benchmarks
  test                  Run Go tests
  coverage              Run tests and generate coverage report


Note: These benchmarks were run on an Apple M2 Max CPU with 12 cores (8 performance and 4 efficiency) and 32 GB of memory, running macOS 14.6.1.

Your mileage may vary.

go test -bench=.
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
BenchmarkNew-12                      2012978           574.8 ns/op
BenchmarkNewWithAttempts-12          2091734           577.3 ns/op
BenchmarkLong-12                     1966120           616.9 ns/op
BenchmarkLongWithAttempts-12         1952052           610.4 ns/op
BenchmarkValidate-12                100000000            10.73 ns/op
BenchmarkValidateLong-12            99347000            13.31 ns/op
ok    9.790s


The publicid package generates and validates NanoID strings designed to be publicly exposed.








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