#RedCar Sparkup
###Info Adds Sparkup capabilities to the Redcar text editor
###Install cd ~/.redcar/plugins git clone git@github.com:pockata/redcar-sparkup.git sparkup cd sparkup git submodule init git submodule update
###Note For now, Sparkup requires Python to run. It's preinstalled on OS X and most Linux distros. On Windows, you can install it from here
###Changing indentation Sparkup defaults to 4 spaces for soft tabs. If you wish to change this, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I, or go through the sparkup plugin menu, and select "Set Indent Level". Change the number as you wish. Credit also given to: twitter.com/kashtanov for helping me with this at a local hack night. -agmcleod.
- Rewrite Sparkup to remove Python as a requirement
- Add Zen Coding as an optional parser