The ptr
package gives you some basic helpers for working with pointers in Go.
The package is simply intended to make it easy to create pointers to things.
E.g. instead of writing:
s := "some string"
b := &s
You'd just write
b := ptr.String("some string")
ptr.Bool(true) // Returns *bool
ptr.Byte(byte('a')) // Returns *byte
ptr.Float32(123.3) // Returns *float32
ptr.Float64(123.3) // Returns *float64
ptr.Int(123) // Returns *int
ptr.Int8(123) // Returns *int8
ptr.Int16(123) // Returns *int16
ptr.Int32(123) // Returns *int32
ptr.Int64(123) // Returns *int64
ptr.Rune(123) // Returns *rune
ptr.String("string") // Returns *string
ptr.Time(time.Now()) // Returns *time.Time
ptr.Uint(123) // Returns *uint
ptr.Uint8(123) // Returns *uint8
ptr.Uint16(123) // Returns *uint16
ptr.Uint32(123) // Returns *uint32
ptr.Uint64(123) // Returns *uint64
go test -v ./...