The supported way to install geometadp use the Anaconda python distribution. If you do not already have it, first install a 3.x version for your platform from here. Familiarise yourself with Conda before going further.
Once you have Anaconda installed, install the metadata manager using:
pip install git+
Finally, open a new Jupyter Notebook (Python 3 >= 3.7) and execute the following code within on cell:
import geometadp
obj = geometadp.geo_metadata()
For a nicer visualisation run the code in Voilà. Execute the following code in the console:
voila path-to-notebook/run_GUI.ipynb
The GUI can be run online through Binder but in that case you need to create a github repo to interact with your files:
- Launch the binder
- Select the notebook 'run_GUI' and run it
We integrated an automatic metadata extraction using external dependencies:
This gui is designed to help with the initial preparation of one geophysical dataset metadata. Simple metadata descriptors must be filled in order to:
- Make your survey datasets reusable for you
- And for the community. Descriptors with * are minimum required metadata identified for your research to be considered FAIR
Geometadp metadata heavily rely on the two following standards:
- Richards, J. D. (1997). Preservation and re-use of digital data: the role of the Archaeology Data Service. Antiquity, 71(274), 1057.
- Adrian, B. M. (2014, December). National geological and geophysical data preservation program: successes and lessons learned. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2014, pp. IN23A-3723).
- add Time-lapse and multiples datasets option
- We would love to hear from users feedback to continuously improve the GUI. Let us know by submitting an issue or via our Slack channel using the #geometadp room (
- Maximilian Weigand, Ubonn
- Benjamin Mary, University of Padua