Program Fresh Graduate Academy (FGA) merupakan program pelatihan bidang TIK yang berfokus pada enam (6) tema pelatihan yakni Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, dan Machine Learning.
Listing Folder
- Sesi 8: Belajar Python - Tipe Data, Input & Output, Operator Aritmatika, List, Tuples, Dictionary, Set.
- Sesi 9: Belajar Python - Function, Global vs Local Variable, Decision, Looping, Oriented Object Programming (OOP).
- Sesi 10: Belajar Python - Read & Write Text File, Use Library Python (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib).
- Sesi 11: Belajar Python - Processing CSV, JSON, Excel, RDBMS (MySQL).
- Sesi 12: Belajar Python - Data Crawling Twitter.
- Sesi 31: Visualisasi Data - WordCloud + TF-IDF, Source:
- Sentiment Analisis: Final Project
- Install Hadoop + Konfigurasi
- Input file to HDFS
- Input RDBMS to HDFS
- Word Count Apps
- Install Spark