Welcome to my AllProjectsRepository, where you'll find all of my innovative ideas in one place. Explore my projects and see the creative solutions I've developed!
Discover all my online projects showcased in one convenient web app. Visit AllProjects to see the full list.
Here are some of the projects I've developed:
- Home Budget: An Expense Tracker website made with React with a lot of features. GitHub
- Coder's Caffee: A simple animated website made with React and Framer Motion. GitHub
- Bank Management System: A Banking Management System built with C++ for Front-End and JS for backend. GitHub
- Chat App: A Real-Time Chat Application with React and Appwrite. GitHub
- Portfolio: My Personal Portfolio showcasing HTML, CSS, and JS projects. GitHub
- Gradegenie: An Online tool to calculate GPA, CGPA, SGPA, and more. GitHub
- Todo App: A Web-based Todo app made with React. GitHub
- Space Website: A simple website with multipage navigation. GitHub
- Weather App: A simple Weather website to see weather updates. GitHub
- Shopping App: A simple carting website to showcase some products and carting implementation. GitHub
- Snake Game: A fun Snake Game π. GitHub
- Piano Game: A fun Piano Game πΉ. GitHub
- Color Palette Generator: A website that generates random color palettes. GitHub
- Calculator App: A simple Calculator to perform basic calculations. GitHub
- Multi Forms: A simple website that showcases multi forms. GitHub
- Password Checker: A website that checks password strength. GitHub
- School Website: A simple school website. GitHub
- School Management System: My semester project in C++. GitHub
- Spotify: A basic level Spotify clone. GitHub
- Hero Section: A website's hero section design. GitHub
- Table Generator: A website to generate multiplication tables. GitHub
- Launch Counter: A website to inform people about the launch of anything. GitHub
- Menu: A website for the menu of a restaurant. GitHub
- Fan: A fun website showing a fan. GitHub
- Launching Counter: A website to inform people about the launch of anything. GitHub
- Loop Studio: A simple website (not responsive). GitHub
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