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This is a Restful API created use node.js with express .and MongoDB The API was created for a Software Engineering at UNT.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Folders and files

Last commit message
Last commit date

Latest commit


Repository files navigation


HTTP Verbs

The idea behind RESTful APIs is that it follows some sort of formatting structure that is consistent throughout this and other APIs. below is an example of how one my structure the urls and kinds of requests.

/dogs Create new dogs List dogs Bulk update Delete all dogs
/dogs/1234 Error Show Bo If exists, update Bo; If not, error Delete Bo

(Example from Web API Design, by Brian Mulloy, Apigee.)


There are generally three common response codes indicating (1) success, (2) failure due to client-side problem, (3) failure due to server-side problem:

  • 200s - OK
  • 400s - Bad Request
  • 500s - Internal Server Error

Endpoints and Request/Reponse Examples


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "comps": [
            "_id": "5e8695b0cb2a6e3de83a7321",
            "employee_id": "5e8633fa467af70368376280",
            "menuItem_id": "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a",
            reason": "I comped this item because it was made wrong",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-03T01:47:28.470Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-03T01:50:12.273Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e8696a130bee63bacf02722",
            "employee_id": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            "menuItem_id": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            reason": "They were having a rough day",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-03T01:51:29.344Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-03T01:51:29.344Z",
            "__v": 0

To GET all comps for a specific employee request from /employees/{employee_id} where {employee_id} is replaced with a valid employee id

POST Request

Request body:

	"employee_id": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
	"menuItem_id": "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2",
    "reason": "I comped this item because it was made wrong"

PUT Request

Send request to /ingredients/{ingredient_id}
Request body:

	{"propName":"employee_id", "value":"5e8633fa467af70368376280"},
	{"propName":"menuItem_id", "value":"5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a"}

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

{ "coupons": [ { "requiredItems": [ "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2", "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a" ], "appliedItems": [ "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2", "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a" ], "active": true, "_id": "5e8aac098365003f886a922b", "couponType": "Customer", "discount": 100, "repeatable": false, "__v": 0 } ] }

For a single ingredient send request to /ingredients/{ingredient_id}

POST Request

Request body:

    "couponType": "Customer",
    "requiredItems": [
    	{"_id": "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2"},
    	{"_id": "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a"}
    "appliedItems": [
    	{"_id": "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2"},
    	{"_id": "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a"}
    "discount": "100",
    "active": "true",
    "repeatable": "false"

PUT Request

Send request to /ingredients/{ingredient_id}
Request body:

    {"propName": "name", "value": "Some other name"},
    {"propName": "quantity", "value": "15"},

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "employees": [
            "tables": [],
            "_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
            "first_name": "Anthony",
            "last_name": "Hanel",
            "username": "testemail02",
            "password": "$2b$10$eJULvWZqQRanThpC8ntuJCz7w5HOzBQuxFdaLhZ1FJhSbrG9heFC",
            "position": 1,
            "__v": 0

For a single employee send request to /employees/{employee_id}

POST Request

Request body:

    //add an array of tables if you would like
    "first_name": "Anthony",
    "last_name": "Hanel",
    "username": "testemail02",
    "password": "fakepassword",
    "position": "1"
} If you want to see if a single employee exists (for signing in) then send this to the same /employees endpoint. This will either return null if a employee wasn't found or the employee object that was found. Request body:

    "username": "",
    "password": "password"

PUT Request

Send request to /employees/{employee_id}
Request body:

    "propName": "tables", 
    "value": [
        {"_id": "5e840f5706c59636ccf6b10c"},
        {"_id": "5e851121c849ed00047b4ed3"},
        {"_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0"},
        {"_id": "5e8515c59fbc2b0004b279f7"}

DELETE Request

Just send the delete request to /employess/{employeeId} where {employeeId} is replaced with an ID


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

"doc": [
        "_id": "5e7e68fc188294181cad7dec",
        "name": "carrots",
        "quantity": 254,
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "5e7fa943016004000436733c",
        "name": "steak",
        "quantity": 69,
        "__v": 0

For a single ingredient send request to /ingredients/{ingredient_id}

POST Request

Request body:

    "name": "Some ingredient name",
    "quantity": "12" 

PUT Request

Send request to /ingredients/{ingredient_id}
Request body:

    {"propName": "name", "value": "Some other name"},
    {"propName": "quantity", "value": "15"},

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

"menuItems": [
        "ingredients": [
                "_id": "5e7fd964a3ba2c0004dda62c",
                "name": "Potatos"
                "_id": "5e7fa943016004000436733c",
                "name": "steak"
        "_id": "5e80333bc4d4630d9c47c799",
        "name": "Serlion and ",
        "picture":string encoded in base64,
        "description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
        "price": 29.99,
        "nutrition": "Meat, caloires",
        "item_type": "Steak",
        "category": "Entree",
        "paid": false,
        "__v": 0
        "ingredients": [
                "_id": "5e7faa3e016004000436733d",
                "name": "eggs"
                "_id": "5e7fa943016004000436733c",
                "name": "steak"
        "_id": "5e803477bef467215ca98b9d",
        "name": "Steak and eggs ",
        "picture": string encoded in base64,
        "description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
        "price": 29.99,
        "nutrition": "Meat, caloires",
        "item_type": "Steak",
        "category": "Entree",
        "paid": false,
        "__v": 0

For a single menuItem send request to /menuItems/{menuItem_id}

POST Request

Request body:

	"ingredients": [
		{"_id": "5e7faa3e016004000436733d"},
		{"_id": "5e7fa943016004000436733c"}
    "name": "Steak and eggs " ,
    "picture": "This will be a picture" ,
    "description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
    "price": "29.99",
    "nutrition": "Meat, caloires" ,
    "item_type": "Steak" ,
    "category": "Entree" 

PUT Request

Send request to /menuItems/{menuItem_id}
Request body:

    {"propName": "name", "value": "Some other name"},
    {"propName": "quantity", "value": "15"},

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Getting every notification in the database Response body:

    "notifications": [
            "_id": "5e8665dec524770de4b3fa5f",
            "employee_id": "5e85f4c18017ef0004ea6f3b",
            "sender": "Table 5",
            "notificationType": "Refill",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e86695aca77c23f90105f62",
            "employee_id": "5e85f4c18017ef0004ea6f3b",
            "sender": "Kitchen",
            "notificationType": "Question",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e866a6bca77c23f90105f63",
            "employee_id": "5e8633fa467af70368376280",
            "sender": "Table2",
            "notificationType": "Help",
            "__v": 0

Getting everynotification for a specific employee. Send get request to /notifications/{employee_id} and replace the {employee_id} with a valid ID of an employee Response body:

    "notifications": [
            "_id": "5e8665dec524770de4b3fa5f",
            "employee_id": "5e85f4c18017ef0004ea6f3b",
            "sender": "Table 5",
            "notificationType": "Refill",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e86695aca77c23f90105f62",
            "employee_id": "5e85f4c18017ef0004ea6f3b",
            "sender": "Kitchen",
            "notificationType": "Question",
            "__v": 0

POST Request

Request body:

    "employee_id": "5e85f4c18017ef0004ea6f3b",
    "sender": "Kitchen",
    "notificationType": "Question"

PUT Request

Send request to /notifications/{notification_id}
Request body:

	{"propName":"sender", "value":"Table 5"},
	{"propName":"notificationType", "value":"Refill"}

DELETE Request

Just send the delete request to /notifications/{notification_id} where {notification_id} is replaced with an ID


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "Orders": [
            "_id": "5e852a47908ad93e74b040d3",
            "menuItems": [
                    "ingredients": [
                    "name": "Steak and eggs ",
                    "picture": "This will be a picture",
                    "description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
                    "price": 29.99,
                    "nutrition": "Meat, caloires",
                    "item_type": "Steak",
                    "category": "Entree",
                    "paid": false,
                    "special_instruct": "I want this to be medium-well"
            "createdAt": "2020-04-01T23:56:55.456Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-01T23:56:55.456Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e852d8680350304c823297b",
            "menuItems": [
                    "ingredients": [
                    "name": "Steak and eggs ",
                    "picture": "This will be a picture",
                    "description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
                    "price": 29.99,
                    "nutrition": "Meat, caloires",
                    "item_type": "Steak",
                    "category": "Entree",
                    "paid": false,
                    "special_instruct": "I want this to be medium-well"
            "createdAt": "2020-04-02T00:10:46.495Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-02T00:10:46.495Z",
            "__v": 0

POST Request

Request body:

    "menuItems": [
    		"ingredients": [
					{"_id": "5e7faa3e016004000436733d"},
					{"_id": "5e7fa943016004000436733c"}
			"name": "Steak and eggs " ,
			"picture": "This will be a picture" ,
			"description": "This is a steak and some potatoes",
			"price": "29.99",
			"nutrition": "Meat, caloires" ,
			"item_type": "Steak" ,
			"category": "Entree",
			"paid": "0",
			"special_instruct": "I want this to be medium-well" 	
    employee_id: "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9"

PUT Request

Send request to /orders/{order_id}
Request body:

DELETE Request

Request body


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "reviews": [
            "question01_rating": 5,
            "question02_rating": 5,
            "question03_rating": 5,
            "_id": "5e9dd550dc0e3f01faa9225b",
            "employee_id": "5e95d72ed497d400042969b2",
            "order_id": "5e967b70cd0dd200049ca25b",
            "question01_reason": "N/A",
            "question02_reason": "N/A",
            "question03_reason": "N/A",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-20T17:01:04.566Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-20T17:01:04.566Z",
            "__v": 0

POST Request

Request body:


PUT Request

Send request to /reviews/{review_id}
Request body:

DELETE Request

Request body


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Getting all shifts in the database Response body:

    "shifts": [
            "_id": "5e867421881b0d50e0bc0273",
            "employee_id": "5e8633fa467af70368376280",
            "clock_in": "2020-04-02T23:24:17.510Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e86747f554393381872ec4a",
            "employee_id": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            "clock_in": "2020-04-02T23:25:51.756Z",
            "__v": 0

Getting all shifts for a single employee. Send GET request with shift ID to /shifts/{shiftId} where the ID replaces {shiftIf}

POST Request

Request body:

	"employee_id": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9"

PUT Request

Send request to /shifts/{shift_id}
Request body:

I had to use postmans Pre-script tab to produce the time stamp

Pre-script Tab

    var current_timestamp = new Date();
    postman.setEnvironmentVariable("current_timestamp", current_timestamp.toISOString());

Patch request

    {"propName": "clock_out", "value": "{{current_timestamp}}"}

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Returns all tables with their object populated Response body:

"tables": [
        "user_ids": [],
        "_id": "5e840f5706c59636ccf6b10c",
        "table_number": "1",
        "employee_id": "5e8651fc2d493750d0bc14d7",
        "__v": 0,
        "order_id": {
            "send_to_kitchen": true,
            'employee": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            "_id": "5e852a47908ad93e74b040d3",
            "menuItems": [
                    "ingredients": [],
                    "prepared": false,
                    "paid": true,
                    "special_instruct": "add more steak",
                    "name": "Steak and eggs ",
                    "price": 29.99,
                    "_id": "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2"
            "createdAt": "2020-04-01T23:56:55.456Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-09T23:55:08.254Z",
            "__v": 0
        "user_ids": [],
        "_id": "5e851121c849ed00047b4ed3",
        "table_number": "2",
        "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
        "__v": 0,
        "order_id": {
            "send_to_kitchen": true,
            'employee": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            "_id": "5e8cd7b29eaf153a20af68a3",
            "menuItems": [
                    "ingredients": [],
                    "prepared": false,
                    "paid": true,
                    "special_instruct": "more steak",
                    "name": "Steak and eggs ",
                    "price": 29.99,
                    "_id": "5e865ed02eccf8000445d5f2"
                    "ingredients": [
                    "prepared": false,
                    "paid": true,
                    "special_instruct": "sgjeng",
                    "name": "Omelette du Waitstaff",
                    "price": 19.99,
                    "_id": "5e8660d161b17c0004e46c8a"
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T19:42:42.478Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-10T02:34:52.687Z",
            "__v": 0
        "user_ids": [],
        "_id": "5e8515c59fbc2b0004b279f7",
        "table_number": "3",
        "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
        "__v": 0,
        "order_id": {
            'employee": "5e850b90c849ed00047b4ec9",
            "send_to_kitchen": false,
            "_id": "5e8cd80fee007044c0c3b090",
            "menuItems": null,
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T19:44:15.095Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T19:44:15.095Z",
            "__v": 0
        "user_ids": [],
        "_id": "5e8515de9fbc2b0004b279fa",
        "table_number": "6",
        "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
        "__v": 0,
        "order_id": null

There will also be a GET for an employee to view all tables with or without an order. This GET will return a table object without the order object being populated.

"tables": [
            "user_ids": [],
            "_id": "5e840f5706c59636ccf6b10c",
            "table_number": "1",
            "employee_id": "5e8651fc2d493750d0bc14d7",
            "__v": 0,
            "order_id": "5e852a47908ad93e74b040d3"
            "user_ids": [],
            "_id": "5e851121c849ed00047b4ed3",
            "table_number": "2",
            "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
            "__v": 0,
            "order_id": "5e8cd7b29eaf153a20af68a3"
            "user_ids": [],
            "_id": "5e8515de9fbc2b0004b279fa",
            "table_number": "3",
            "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
            "__v": 0,
            "order_id": null

To view a single table then send request to /tables/employeeview/{table_number}. This will return a table without changing any data. Reponse body:

    "user_ids": [],
    "_id": "5e85165d9fbc2b0004b279fc",
    "table_number": "8",
    "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
    "__v": 0,
    "order_id": null

If you want to view a table and have an order connected to the table instead of null this endpoint will create and link a new, empty order to the table if an order does not already exist. Send GET request to /tables/{table_number} where {table_number} is relaced with an interger like "5" Reponse body:

    "user_ids": [],
    "_id": "5e8515d69fbc2b0004b279f9",
    "table_number": "5",
    "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
    "__v": 0,
    "order_id": "5e8cda76ee007044c0c3b091"

POST Request

Request body:

    "employee_id": "5e840707764c1d4504ea1fa0",
    "table_number": "1"
    //add some order_id

If a order is completed and paided for. Sending a post request /tables/finishorder/{table_id} where {table_id} is replaced with a table id. This will updated the order completed_time to the and then it will remove the order from the table by making order_id = null. There is not json payload required for this POST request.

PUT Request

Send request to /tables/{table_id}
Request body:

    {"propName": "name", "value": "Some other name"},
    {"propName": "quantity", "value": "15"},

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "tips": [
            "_id": "5e90c9999cc2254a88c69d33",
            "employee_id": "5e8e6d4b9696520004639e73",
            "tip_amount": 1.99,
            "createdAt": "2020-04-10T19:31:37.554Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-10T19:32:53.013Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5e90ce7a0e82082d98c6dc1d",
            "employee_id": "5e8e6d4b9696520004639e73",
            "tip_amount": 3.6,
            "createdAt": "2020-04-10T19:52:26.804Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-10T19:52:26.804Z",
            "__v": 0

To GET all tips for a specific employee request from /employees/{employee_id} where {employee_id} is replaced with a valid employee id

POST Request

Request body:

    "employee_id": "5e8e6d4b9696520004639e73",
    "tip_amount": "2.75"

PUT Request

Send request to /comps/{comp_id}
Request body:

    {"propName":"tip_amount", "value":"1.99"}

DELETE Request

Request body:


Base endpoint:

GET Request

Response body:

    "users": [
        "points": 17995,
        "coupons": [
                "requiredItems": [
                "appliedItems": [
                "active": true,
                "_id": "5e8aac098365003f886a922b",
                "couponType": "Customer",
                "discount": 100,
                "repeatable": false,
                "__v": 0,
                "description": "100% off on certain items"
        "_id": "5e8f921a6b4c52000400b043",
        "first_name": "ben",
        "last_name": "crammer",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2b$10$Onk4i9c0AVrtGJL2cox3suxQ2Y.PdjMyBLWBuwyw7MWquIJDr9lYK",
        "birthday": "2020-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0
        "points": 0,
        "coupons": [],
        "_id": "5e8f87cd6b4c52000400b040",
        "first_name": "Barack",
        "last_name": "Obama",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2b$10$059nop6kKtV8Ws0hWbtiy.Ou.bRPenGGQmKNK3qSWhrRhTUGygpoO",
        "birthday": "1971-09-22T00:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0

POST Requests

If you want to create a user then side post request to above URL Request body:

    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "",
    "password": "johnysmithy",
    "birthday": "1971-09-22T00:00:00Z"
} If you want to see if a single user exists (for signing in) then send this to the same /user endpoint. This will either return null if a user wasn't found or the user that was found. Request body:

    "email": "",
    "password": "johnysmithy"

Respone Body:

    "points": 17995,
    "coupons": [
            "requiredItems": [
            "appliedItems": [
            "active": true,
            "_id": "5e8aac098365003f886a922b",
            "couponType": "Customer",
            "discount": 100,
            "repeatable": false,
            "__v": 0,
            "description": "100% off on certain items"
    "_id": "5e8f921a6b4c52000400b043",
    "first_name": "ben",
    "last_name": "crammer",
    "email": "",
    "password": "$2b$10$Onk4i9c0AVrtGJL2cox3suxQ2Y.PdjMyBLWBuwyw7MWquIJDr9lYK",
    "birthday": "2020-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    "__v": 0

PUT Request

Send request to /user/{user_id}
Request body:

    {"propName": "name", "value": "Some other name"},
    {"propName": "quantity", "value": "15"},

DELETE Request


This is a Restful API created use node.js with express .and MongoDB The API was created for a Software Engineering at UNT.






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