- when you host an image on google drive or dropbox you can't use the direct url of your file to be an image source.
- you need to make changes to this url in order to use it directly as an image source.
- This App will take the url of your image file, and change it to be used directly as an image source.
- Important : you need to check your files permessions first, and wether it's public.
- another live example with react: https://ybmex.csb.app/
Function title: goobox | tags: image hosting, regex, url, google drive, dropbox, advanced |
return: string | Returns a string url that can be used directly as source of an image. |
const goobox = (url)=>{
let dropbox_regex = /(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*(dropbox.com)/;
let drive_regex =/(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*(drive.google.com\/file\/d\/)/;
return url.replace(/(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*/, "https://dl.");
return `https://drive.google.com/uc?id=${url.replace(drive_regex, "").match(/[\w]*\//)[0].replace(/\//,"")}`;
return console.error('Wrong URL, not a vlid drobox or google drive url');
let gDriveUrl = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VctOazcyDrm8nxoWFAWM_t5bxlpyLI9s/view?usp=sharing";
let dropboxUrl = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/degru93hceo26m6/30sec.png?dl=0";
goobox(gDriveUrl); // https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1VctOazcyDrm8nxoWFAWM_t5bxlpyLI9s
goobox(dropboxUrl); // https://dl.dropbox.com/s/degru93hceo26m6/30sec.png?dl=0