The Monitoring and Debugging Dashboard (MaDDash) is a tool for collecting large amounts of inherently two-dimensional data and presenting it in visually useful ways. The project consists of the server side that schedules jobs to collect data and a web front-end to display that data. A summary of the collected data is also made available as a JSON REST API. This initial use case was collecting point-to-point network measurements published by perfSONAR and displaying them as an organized collection grids on the web front-end. These were presented with one endpoint as the row and the second endpoint as the column. In principle though, MaDDash can be extended to support any two-dimensional data.
MaDDash is available as an RPM and this is the recommended method of deploying MaDDash on a production host. See our Install Guide for more details.
There are multiple ways one may want to contribute including:
- Updating the data collector
- Updating the existing web interface
- Writing new clients to the JSON REST API
The subsection are for developers wishing to get involved in one or more of the ways above.
###Development System Requirements
- Unix-like OS (e.g. Mac OS X, Linux)
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Maven 3.0.3 or higher
- Apache 2.2 or higher
mvn clean install
###Configuring your development environment
The collector configuration file can be found in maddash-server/etc/maddash-server.yaml. See the Install Guide for a full list of options.
The web interface has a sample Apache configuration under maddash-webui/etc/apache-maddash.conf. You will need to modify this with file paths appropriate for your system and install it under your Apache configuration directory (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d). There are also some UI customizations that can be done by editing maddash-webui/web/etc/config.json. See Install Guide for a full list of options.
###Running a development data collector
cd maddash-server
###Running a development web interface
The web interface runs under apache. You will need to modify maddash-webui/etc/apache-maddash.conf and install it under apache for the server to run.
###Using the REST API
See our REST API Guide
MaDDash is maintained as part of the perfSONAR project and all support questions can be sent to