- React Navigation v6
- Reanimtated 2
- React Native Paper UI KIT
- Sentry Setup (For LogBacking)
- i18n-js Localization Support
- Dark/Light Theme support (just change the theme file colors in src/style/theme).
- Redux with Redux Presist
- Middle Ware - Redux thunk
- Also you can add custom Middle wares too see middleware/otheMiddleWares
- Custom Drawer also With Custom Drawer Item List so you have full control over Drawer / or you can just import and add <DrawerItemList ...props/> under Drawer Scroll
- React Dot Env for accessing .env files
- Absolute Imports. Add your absolute imports aliases under "moduleResolver" in "babel.config.js" also in "config.json"
- Imports Order Sorting
- Expo Application Services Ready project (after you initializes EAS)
- Added Many Custom Components "Custom Text/ Custom Buttons / Fabs ..."
** NOTE : don't forget to add your secret vars in ".env"
1 - yarn / npm i --save 2 - add secret vars suchas serverUrl to your ".env" (optional) 3 - yarn start / npm start