- This application is the result of my during my end of studies project
- It's a project management application that i developed during my internship in Sofiatech
- Node
- Express
- Angular
- Mysql (sequelize)
- Docker
- Socket.io
- Users and roles management
- Project managemet
- Task management
- Chat application (you can talk with other users in realtime)
- Calendar (to visualize your meetings)
- Dashboard in which you can visualize different KPIs charts and other useful informations
- Clone the repo
- Make a database table called "int-elegance"
- cd backend then npm install
- open backend/src in the cmd then npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
- cd frontend then npm i
- run the backend (npm run start) and run the frontend (ng serve)
- once you run the backend an admin account will be created automatically by the application
- the credentials for the admin account can be found in yopmail.com (navigate to yopmail.com and search sofiatech2023@yopmail.com)
- if you want to receive the credentials in your personal email address change the email address in the app.js file (line 295)
- go to the config folder (backend/src/config)
- change the configuration for developement to this : "development": { "username": "root", "password": "root", "database": "int-elegance", "host": "mysqldb", "dialect": "mysql", "logging":false }
- then navigate to the root folder where you can find the docker-compose.yml file
- and run docker compose up in the terminal.
- after the docker compose up finishes creatings containers you may need to bring them down (docker compose down) and then re-execute docker-compose up so the migrations container can do its work