This application is a photo sharing social networking service developed using Django and its ORM. It allows users to interact with each other by sharing photos and commenting on posts.
User Management: Each user has a profile that can be searched by their username or name. Users can register, login, and manage their profiles.
Photo Management: Users can add, edit, and delete their photos. All photos are associated with a user profile.
Post Management: Users can comment on posts. They can also add, edit, and delete their comments. All relations between users, posts, and comments are maintained using Django’s ORM.
Containerization: The application is containerized using Docker and Docker Compose, which simplifies deployment and scaling.
: Django admin site.user/
: User related operations like registration, login, profile management.comments/
: Operations related to comments on posts.posts/
: Operations related to photo posts.
The application is containerized using Docker. To setup and run the application, use Docker Compose:
docker-compose up