- To donwload any file used wget or wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 link_of_file.
- www.python-course.eu/python3_course.php
- MIT course
- We gave a short introductory presentation on what we are going to do in this crash course lecture1.pptx.
- We discussed variables, arithmatic, and logical operators 1_variable.py and 2_operators.py
- Reading assinments :
- We discussed deep and shallow copy 3_deep_shallow_copy.py
- Reading assignment:
- Details could be found here shallow_and_deep_copy (python-course.eu)
- We discussed iteration in Python 4_loop.py and we introuduced Xarray package.
- Reading assignment:
- We discussed lists 5_list_etc.py, if statement 6_if.py
- Reading assigntments:
- We discussed functions 7_function.py and ascii files 8_files.py
- Reading assignments: