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@srohit0 srohit0 released this 19 Nov 05:29
· 158 commits to master since this release

deepC 0.12 is now available!

We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this release. You may learn more about the project, who is involved and what tools are available at the


Python 3.5+

deepC is available as python extension in python 3.5, 3.7, 3.7 and 3.8. with exhaustive support for all Python operators. deepC extension works behind the scenes to understand user intent with implicit conversion engine and broadcasting mechanism to carry out pythonic operations.


Compiler is available on x86, x86_64 and arm platform.

C++ 17

Available C++ operators are compatible with C++ 2017 standard.

onnx 1.5.0

onnx parser supports onnx IR4 and onnx IR5.

Operators List

  1. Abs
  2. Acos
  3. Acosh
  4. Add
  5. And
  6. ArgMax
  7. ArgMin
  8. Asin
  9. Asinh
  10. Atan
  11. Atanh
  12. baseOperator
  13. BitShift
  14. BitwiseAnd
  15. BitwiseOr
  16. BitwiseXor
  17. Ceil
  18. Clip
  19. Constant
  20. Conv
  21. Cos
  22. Cosh
  23. DequantizeLinear
  24. Div
  25. Dropout
  26. Elu
  27. Equal
  28. Erf
  29. Expand
  30. Exp
  31. EyeLike
  32. Flatten
  33. FloorDiv
  34. Floor
  35. Gather
  36. Gemm
  37. GlobalAveragePool
  38. GlobalLpPool
  39. GlobalMaxPool
  40. GreaterEqual
  41. Greater
  42. Hardmax
  43. HardSigmoid
  44. Identity
  45. InstanceNormalization
  46. IsInf
  47. IsNaN
  48. LeakyRelu
  49. LessEqual
  50. Less
  51. Log
  52. LogSoftmax
  53. LpNormalization
  54. LRN
  55. LSTM
  56. MatMul
  57. MatMulInteger
  58. Max
  59. Mean
  60. Min
  61. Mod
  62. Mul
  63. Neg
  64. NotEqual
  65. Not
  66. OneHot
  67. Or
  68. Pad
  69. Pow
  70. PRelu
  71. Reciprocal
  72. Relu
  73. Remainder
  74. Reshape
  75. SetSlice
  76. Sigmoid
  77. Sign
  78. Sin
  79. Sinh
  80. Slice
  81. Softmax
  82. Softplus
  83. Softsign
  84. Sqrt
  85. Sub
  86. Tan
  87. Tanh
  88. ThresholdedRelu
  89. Transpose
  90. TrueDiv
  91. Where
  92. Xor


This is first release tested on most linux platforms including raspberry-pi, android and others. It is tested on 4 different platforms and architectures.

  1. os: linux
    1. dist: bionic
    2. arch: amd64
  2. os: linux
    1. dist: bionic
    2. arch: ppc64le
  3. os: linux
    1. dist: bionic
    2. arch: armv7
  4. os: linux
    1. dist: bionic
    2. arch: arm

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