##ndvi_mosaic Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster which preprocesses/mosaics contemporary GIMMS NDVI data in parallel
##ndvi_extract Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to run extracts on mosaic outputs of contemporary data
##historic_ndvi_prep Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to process historic GIMMS NDVI data (1981-2003)
##historic_ndvi_extract Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to run extracts on processed historic data
##ndvi_merge Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to merge extract outputs for both contemporary and historic data (change variable in runscripts.py to choose data type)
##atap_extract Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to run extracts on atap (air temperature and precipitation) datasets
##atap_merge Scripts for creating a job on the Sciclone cluster to merge extract outputs for atap datasets (change variable in runscripts.py to choose air temp or precip)
##utility Various scripts for managing output data, local tasks or anything not requiring a full Sciclone job.
- ndvi_max.R : gets yearly maximum from merged ndvi extract outputs
- gpw_extract.R : Rscript for running local extract on GPWv3 data
- gpw_extract_merge.R : merge gpw extract
- generic_extract.R : generic extract Rscript which takes user inputs
- atap_grid.sh : generate rasters from origin atap data
- other scripts : see script comments for details
Contains original Rscripts for downloading GIMMS NDVI data, preprocessing, creating mosaic and extracting (serial scripts)