Releases: aidlearning/AidLearning-FrameWork
AidLux v1.3.0
AidLux 更新日志
AidLux 1.3 Free
Build ID:
- 系统:改进 AidLux 桌面实现,支持一些低版本浏览器和Android Webview
- 系统:改进对USB设备插拔事件的监听处理
- 开发:AI框架运行库版本更新 - TFLite
- 应用:新增Aid源软件包 FFmpeg、OpenCV、ROS Noetic、ROS2 Foxy
- 应用:AidCode 支持 Ctrl+S/Command+S 保存代码
- 应用:新增自定义桌面壁纸及清除Aid桌面缓存功能(重置桌面)
- 系统:Android 12 进程数量限制造成的应用强制终止问题
- 系统:aid包安装工具安装本地包无法执行脚本的错误
- 系统:在部分魅族设备启动偶现失败问题
- 系统:桌面图标自适应排列逻辑
- 系统:aid-desktop 快捷设置旋转切换为横屏再切换为竖屏后重启失败
- 系统:aid-desktop 快捷设置使用鼠标点击右键AidLux重启
- 开发:优化单个相机,解决pip关闭第二次启动相机黑屏
- 应用:FileBrowser/文件浏览器创建相同文件提示错误,面包屑未对齐问题
- 应用:桌面终端刷新显示异常及可能存在的内存问题
- 应用:AidCode 从不存在的文件点击打开会找不到路径
- 应用:串口助手显示问题
- 应用:launch-build生成的应用其设置的访问路径不存在时,打开出现黑屏且无法返回桌面
Linux 原生桌面环境支持Wayland渲染方式,支持高通芯片的推理加速,支持gpu+dsp联合推理
AidLux 更新日志
AidLux 1.2.1
Build ID:
Android 7 系统无法进入AidLux
横屏切换为其它状态后可能 造成AidLux无法进入
AidLux 1.2
Build ID:
Linux 原生桌面环境支持Wayland渲染方式,流畅度显著提升
Aid-Desktop Web应用直接远程访问时,默认需进行用户鉴权,安全和用户隐私保护获得改进
影响的应用:FileBrowser,VSCode,Web Terminal,AidCode,Jupiter,Jupiter Lab
访问端口号调整:统一改为 '3xxxx','xxxx' 为原端口号不变,由于访问端口的调整,如web桌 面无法访问,请清除浏览器缓存再访问。
关闭方式:# aid-webgw stop
该功能包含break change,从AidLux <=1.1版本升级,需要清除/root/.e.sh内配置的相关应用的启动命令,再重新安装,即可应用。
Aid-Desktop 应用中心可同时支持 Aid 源和 Debian 官方源的应用操作
Aid-Desktop 添加 AidLux 官方社区快捷访问,且用户已登录AidLux应用后,可免登录访问社区
AidLux 用户使用文档改版
优化启动脚本加载,提升bash加载速度,新增 /root/.rc.local 文件,用于用户自定义启动脚本(仅执行一次)
新增 AidLux 预编译二进制包,可通过应用中心或命令行进行安装
AIDLUX-164 HomeAssistant,HomeBridge
AidLux重启命令 reboot 修改为 aid-reboot,避免与系统命令冲突
基于全新优化的内存交换实现方式,改进了AidLite 框架与摄像头之间的数据交换性能和稳定性,AI应用整体处理速度提升达10%,通过 AidLite Python 编程接口即可获得支持
深度优化在高通硬件平台上的 AI 推理加速性能,最大性能提升达 300%,通过 AidLite Python 编程接口即可获得支持
改进图像处理(CV)性能,通过AidLux提供的 Python 编程接口即可获得支持
aid 命令安装应用时的日志信息显示异常
执行apt update导致xfce桌面无法使用
AidLux 1.1
新增 api - 重启应用
新增 api - 初始化 Linux 环境
新增 reboot 命令,重启AidLux
主题设置新增大屏分辨率:1920、 2560、 3840
Aid-Desktop 集成至安装包
aid 命令重构,新增 aid install -p 命令安装存在于本地的aid应用包。可用aid -h命令查看使用方法
支持 clear_desktop_storage 命令清除桌面缓存数据
Aid-Desktop 支持显示版本信息
Aid-Desktop 无法申请使用相机权限
Aid-Desktop 自动安装后连续跳转 2 次
ssh key 无法上传的问题
aidcode、terminal 等双击界面区域后造成放大无法操作的问题
aidcode、launch-build 深色模式显示异常
Fix some bugs!
- It solves the problem of abnormal display under the condition of folding screen and split screen
- Fix the incorrect display of version number
- Optimize the card screen on the startup page
- Solve the problem of saving errors in performance mode
- Optimize the black screen when the application is placed in the background
- Solve the problem of blocking the progress loading page when entering aidesktop
- A new lock screen interface is added on the web desktop. You need to enter the root password to access it
- Platform SSH is aidlux by default
- New novice guide
- Six new examples have been added to the examples center. We look forward to your experience
- Optimize interface display
- Aidlite adds a function that supports multiple input of model input
- Aidlite adds a function to support loading model encryption and decryption
- Other known bugs have been solved
fix some known bugs
- Fixed the bug of apkbuild application and updated the interface
- The performance mode is off by default. If you need long-term background operation, please turn on the performance mode
- WiFi signal added signal value
- Replace the logo in the notification bar
- Solve the problem that the sliding shutdown can not be closed normally occasionally
- Fixed the bug of individual applications in the application center
- The application center adds a serial communication assistant named serial comm helper
- Optimize login
- Overall optimization of permission interaction
- Optimize the switching logic of performance mode
- Optimize the interaction of obtaining and modifying system settings
- Optimize the startup process and repair the excessive of the startup page.
- Update the browser to the new style
- Adaptation system mode
- Some exceptions generated in strict mode of optimization system.
- Platform environment upgrade coverage installation
- Optimize the channel version, streamline the channel, improve the channel differentiation logic and remove the waste logic
- Optimize the installation process and improve the desktop boot installation process
- Improve the authorization function, adjust the authorization process, detect mandatory updates, adjust it to only need to be completed once a day, add a prompt box in the authorization, and add restrictions on the functions of unauthorized algorithms
- Aidesktop optimization, change the path of relevant resource files
- Optimize the login process, decouple the login logic from aidesktop, load the login interface locally, and optimize the startup speed
- Terminal sliding keyboard character sequence adjustment is more in line with operation habits
- Fixed the known problems in the application center, optimized the download log, and added an apt package that supports the display of aid command installation
- Updated Desktop Icon
- The aidcode file selection interface is optimized
- Optimize some games adapted to the desktop
- Terminal has been optimized to solve the problem of unable to copy, line break and other functions. The terminal keyboard on the mobile terminal has been rearranged and some common special keys have been added
- Fixed the problem that the horizontal screen switches to the vertical screen and only displays part of the window
- Fixed problems such as taskbar icon segmentation
- Fixed the offset of battery icon position of some devices such as tablet
- Fixed the problem that the desktop cannot exit
- Optimize the WiFi connection prompt window
- Solved the problem of occasional black screen
- Support offline mode. Even if there is no network, you can click skip login to enter the system
- The problem that Ctrl + C causes partial service broken is solved
- Support the version upgrade function. The old version does not need to be deleted, but can directly overwrite and install the new version (it is recommended to make a backup, and the test version will inevitably lead to unknown errors)
V0.88F0--Major updates, smarter and more flexible!
- The overall size is compact, and the built-in aid package management tool (compatible with APT) allows users to install the software they need with aid install or the application center according to their needs
- Vscode is updated to version 1.57 and supports the development of python, Java, C + +, go and other languages
- In addition to installing linux software, the application center can also install Android APK software
- The built-in web desktop update supports putting the mobile Android Application shutcut on the web desktop and running the Android application
5, add TNN,MNN, MindSpore, PaddlePaddle to integrate the mainstream AI framework (Caffe, mxnet, keras, pytorch, tensorflow, ncnn, MindSpore, TNN,MNN and PaddlePaddle... ), without configuration, and directly use. - Add aidlite_ GPU module and aidlux provide CPU acceleration and GPU acceleration modes, with built-in aidlite_ GPU module, fully release the GPU performance of mobile phone, support CPU + GPU mode and accelerate at the same time! It supports the automatic acceleration of AI models under all the above AI frameworks according to According to model file suffix. Please refer to the instruction documents for detailed use
- New added mobile phone control panel, which can control mobile phone WiFi, Bluetooth, hotspot, brightness and sound in aidlux
- New serial port debugging function, which can debug serial port information through baud rate
- New case operation, mobile phone and computer synchronization function. The case operation in the case center can be displayed on the mobile phone or on the computer, which is convenient for the situation that the arm board has no screen
- Aidcode, wizard UI changes, wizard is responsible for interface design, and aidcode is responsible for coding
- The wizard has built-in Industry and Robot development and built-in AI development. AI development requires camera components
- The built-in Web browser has been updated
- Shell terminal adds sharing function, day and night mode, and keyboard locking is convenient to view code
- Web interface new UI interface, multiple sets of interfaces are optional
- You can use SSH root@x.x.x.x -P9022 direct connection, no configuration required
- The top menu increases the display of power 、time、wifi、sound...
- You can add and remove installed apps shutcut to the desktop and bottom menus freely.
- Fixed upgrade issues
- Newly revised login system and verification system
- The form with built-in desktop can be dragged and resized at will, which is more flexible
Adapt to Android 11 version,Fix some bugs
1、Adapt to Android 11 version, fix vscode can't start on android 11
2、Add more AI examples Using GPU's acceleration capability: hair recognition, face swap, body swap...
3、Using new icons of apps
4、Fix some known bugs
5、Fix apkbuild missing some depends
6、Fix vnc remote connect bug...
7、faked sudo
Add tflite GPU acceleration using python
Fix the problem that cannot upgrade, fix the problem that Perl version does not match, and fix update
Vscode updates to the latest version, and supports online quick installation of plug-ins, including golang. Built in examples can load AI models in vscode
Built in chromedriver automatic control module
Repair and installation of MySQL server
Repair of X-mode display size, over display and magnification on PC side
The example of built-in aidbot smart car supports USB control of smart car and openbot control at the same time 🚗
Fix the camera display problem in sl4a mode
8, support usbcam, you can connect the USB camera directly to the mobile phone through OTG, and you can see the real-time video picture of the USB camera through the return key under the full screen command line, which can be recorded. -
Solve the problem of incomplete display of the browser on the tablet selection screen
Fix the problem of apt update source. Domestic users have built-in Huawei source, which is very fast
Python 3 has built-in Tkinter module, which can be directly imported to Tkinter
Built in ADB command
Python has built-in uiautomator2 package. Uiautomator2 is a library that can use Python to automate the UI of Android devices. The bottom layer is based on Google UI Automator, which can obtain any control property on the screen.
Update the document and add drag and drop function. You can directly drag and drop the computer files to the document on the computer side, and the files will be automatically copied to the folder in aid
Py2apk major update, support the development of GPU program packaged
Write permission of external SD card (to be verified)
New developer debugging mode is added in X mode, which can simulate the touch screen feeling of mobile phone in X mode. Click debugging mode, and the document can scroll directly without dragging the scroll bar.
Add a new app application center, which can graphically install your apt package and related linux software like native Linux
Finally, aid adds CPU acceleration and GPU acceleration, and tflite is built into version 0.87. tflite GPU module can fully release the GPU performance of mobile phone, support CPU + GPU mode, and speed up at the same time! tflite.NNModel (model_ Path, inshape, outshape, 4,0) # - 4 represents 4 CPU threads, 0 represents GPU, - 1 represents CPU, and 1 represents the number of nnapi threads. I set 4 threads on aid. You can flexibly set the number of threads and use GPU + CPU mode
Optimize and support the open camera function of OpenCV. With cvs package, you can set the resolution of the camera and access it more simply. You don't need to define the display dialog box any more.
from cvs import *
cap= cvs.VideoCapture (0)
while True:
img = ()
cvs.imshow (img) -
An excellent example of high-performance AI is added. In examples, you can learn how to use tflite GPU to speed up your AI application using python.
Extremely loading speed and extreme experience
- Buildin SL4A for Python. Using SL4A, it supports the call of various sensors of mobile phone through import Android package, including voice, gyroscope, positioning, signal, USB, Bluetooth, etc
- Support pyserial, GPIO, such as Arduino by OTG, can send control commands and data interaction
- It supports OTG external U disk and disk support, and has been mounted to the / storage directory
- New support for C / C + + Intelligent tips in VSCode
- Support the command line to start xfce by the command
to start xfce automatically. In Python code, you only need one code:startx ("1024x768")
or you can specify the resolution to start xfce4 graphical interface - Support lock screen / turn off screen to run aid service, more power saving
- Rebuild aid graphics desktop, more beautiful and convenient, support custom desktop resolution, support 2K screen expansion display
- Extremely accelerated startup speed, loading the aid desktop in one second.
- Support special hacker keyboard
- Provide more examples of operating Android sensors and peripherals (examples under / home / Android)
- Fix the bug that the service window does not fit the display of pad and PC resolution
- Built in latest node 12.18/npm6
- Fix data loss in open windows caused by refresh
14.Three versions have been released: lite , pro and full. Lite version is a compact system, occupying 750m of storage space, but does not include xfce desktop; Pro version takes 4G storage space, and has built-in xfce desktop and more functions. Full version is more powerfully, it has built-in X mode desktop just like original Linux Xserver.
Full screen and Flight mode support, More Customization DIY
- Full screen support
- Flight mode support
- Modify vscode to hide keyboard and support full screen display
- Add Google blocks to support building block programming
- Built in browser supports full screen, browser adds forward and back buttons and address bar
- The terminal keyboard can be changed by customization (the keyboard can be modified in the directory / root /.keyboard/)
- Py2apk repair (repair package named com.apkp4a, repair apkbuild graphic interface)
- VNC branch adapts to resolution display and supports full screen display
- Xfce automatically adjusts the resolution according to the resolution of the mobile phone, accelerating the startup speed
- Solved the problem that screen rotation can't be locked
- Add the shutdown button to shut down aid completely
- Optimized the loading interface, more concise
- Increase installation speed (double speed)
- Add the function of screen always on to keep the aid service running. When you turn on aid, keep the screen always on
- The terminal font and color can be changed by customization (the font TTF and color can be modified in the directory /root/.Font_color/)
- Fix the display integrity of chrome in xfce
Smaller and Faster , Let you choose service to install and start...
1、start and run faster, let aid system smaller
2、choose your wanted soft or modules to install and start ....
3、your can customize the keyboard...
4、Fix long loading not login error..
5、start xfce4 now auto, you don't need to input the password and other ops...
6、Fix other bugs