- The repository contains a submodule, use the following command to clone the parent repository and initialize the submodule in one step:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/anachronismus/InconsistencyMeasureAlgorithms.git
Alternatively, you can clone this repository normally and rungit submodule update --init
- To pull from both the repository and the submodule, use
git pull --recurse-submodules
- Build the project
cmake CMakeLists.txt
to be installed, otherwise the clingo library cannot be compiled
Call im_app using the following command line structue:
./im-app <kb_file>
=====List of existing and combinations in im_app=====
= sat (binary search for correct inconsistency value between 0 and upper bound) possible values: contension, hs, hitdalal, maxdalal, sumdalal, forget
= linsat (linear search from value 0 to upper bound) possible values: contension, hs, hitdalal, maxdalal, sumdalal, forget
= asp (encoding into answer set program) possible values: contension, hs, hitdalal, maxdalal, sumdalal, forget, contension-ltl, drastic-ltl, mv, mv2, v3b, mv3, mv-mss, mv-mss2, p, p-2
= maxsat possible values: contension
= naivecpp possible values: forget