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pre-commit-ci[bot] committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent d5062dc commit 9861ecf
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Showing 7 changed files with 73 additions and 73 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ def get_work_directory(config):
def pytest_report_header(config):
"""Add header information for pytest execution."""
return [
f'LAMMPS Executable: {shutil.which(config.getoption("lammps_exec") or "lammps")}',
f'LAMMPS Work Directory: {config.getoption("lammps_workdir") or "<TEMP>"}',
f"LAMMPS Executable: {shutil.which(config.getoption('lammps_exec') or 'lammps')}",
f"LAMMPS Work Directory: {config.getoption('lammps_workdir') or '<TEMP>'}",

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/aiida_lammps/data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def aliases(self):
def get_step_string(self, step_idx):
"""Return the content string, for a specific trajectory step."""
step_idx = list(range(self.number_steps))[step_idx]
zip_name = f'{self.base.attributes.get("zip_prefix")}{step_idx}'
zip_name = f"{self.base.attributes.get('zip_prefix')}{step_idx}"
with (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ def iter_step_strings(self, steps=None):
) as zip_file,
for step_idx in steps:
zip_name = f'{self.base.attributes.get("zip_prefix")}{step_idx}'
zip_name = f"{self.base.attributes.get('zip_prefix')}{step_idx}"
with as step_file:
content =
yield content
Expand Down
112 changes: 56 additions & 56 deletions src/aiida_lammps/parsers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ def write_control_block(parameters_control: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
_time = default_timestep[parameters_control.get("units", "si")]
control_block = generate_header("Start of the Control information")
control_block += "clear\n"
control_block += f'units {parameters_control.get("units", "si")}\n'
control_block += f'newton {parameters_control.get("newton", "on")}\n'
control_block += f"units {parameters_control.get('units', 'si')}\n"
control_block += f"newton {parameters_control.get('newton', 'on')}\n"
if "processors" in parameters_control:
control_block += (
f'processors {join_keywords(parameters_control["processors"])}\n'
f"processors {join_keywords(parameters_control['processors'])}\n"
control_block += f'timestep {parameters_control.get("timestep", _time)}\n'
control_block += f"timestep {parameters_control.get('timestep', _time)}\n"
control_block += generate_header("End of the Control information")
return control_block

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,27 +245,27 @@ def write_potential_block(
potential_block = generate_header("Start of Potential information")
potential_block += f"pair_style {potential.pair_style}"
potential_block += (
f' {" ".join(parameters_potential.get("potential_style_options", [""]))}\n'
f" {' '.join(parameters_potential.get('potential_style_options', ['']))}\n"

if default_potential[potential.pair_style].get("read_from_file"):
potential_block += f'pair_coeff * * {potential_file} {" ".join(kind_symbols)}\n'
potential_block += f"pair_coeff * * {potential_file} {' '.join(kind_symbols)}\n"
if not default_potential[potential.pair_style].get("read_from_file"):
data = [
for line in potential.get_content().split("\n")
if not line.startswith("#") and line
potential_block += f'pair_coeff * * {" ".join(data)}\n'
potential_block += f"pair_coeff * * {' '.join(data)}\n"

if "neighbor" in parameters_potential:
potential_block += (
f'neighbor {join_keywords(parameters_potential["neighbor"])}\n'
f"neighbor {join_keywords(parameters_potential['neighbor'])}\n"
if "neighbor_modify" in parameters_potential:
potential_block += "neigh_modify"
potential_block += (
f' {join_keywords(parameters_potential["neighbor_modify"])}\n'
f" {join_keywords(parameters_potential['neighbor_modify'])}\n"
potential_block += generate_header("End of Potential information")
return potential_block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ def write_structure_block(
kind_name_id_map[site.kind_name] = len(kind_name_id_map) + 1

structure_block = generate_header("Start of the Structure information")
structure_block += f'box tilt {parameters_structure.get("box_tilt", "small")}\n'
structure_block += f"box tilt {parameters_structure.get('box_tilt', 'small')}\n"

# Set the dimensions of the structure
if "dimension" in parameters_structure:
Expand All @@ -319,12 +319,12 @@ def write_structure_block(
structure_block += f"boundary {' '.join(['p' if entry else 'f' for entry in structure.pbc])} \n"

# Set the atom style for the structure
structure_block += f'atom_style {parameters_structure["atom_style"]}\n'
structure_block += f"atom_style {parameters_structure['atom_style']}\n"

# Set the atom modify for the structure
if "atom_modify" in parameters_structure:
structure_block += "atom_modify"
structure_block += f' {parameters_structure["atom_modify"]}\n'
structure_block += f" {parameters_structure['atom_modify']}\n"
# Write the command to read the structure from a file
structure_block += f"read_data {structure_filename}\n"
# Set the groups which will be used for the calculations
Expand All @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def write_structure_block(
raise ValueError("atom type not defined")
# Set the current group
structure_block += (
f'group {_group["name"]} {join_keywords(_group["args"])}\n'
f"group {_group['name']} {join_keywords(_group['args'])}\n"
# Store the name of the group for later usage
Expand All @@ -362,11 +362,11 @@ def write_minimize_block(parameters_minimize: dict[str, Union[str, float, int]])

minimize_block = generate_header("Start of the Minimization information")
minimize_block += f'min_style {parameters_minimize.get("style", "cg")}\n'
minimize_block += f'minimize {parameters_minimize.get("energy_tolerance", 1e-4)}'
minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("force_tolerance", 1e-4)}'
minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("max_iterations", 1000)}'
minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("max_evaluations", 1000)}\n'
minimize_block += f"min_style {parameters_minimize.get('style', 'cg')}\n"
minimize_block += f"minimize {parameters_minimize.get('energy_tolerance', 1e-4)}"
minimize_block += f" {parameters_minimize.get('force_tolerance', 1e-4)}"
minimize_block += f" {parameters_minimize.get('max_iterations', 1000)}"
minimize_block += f" {parameters_minimize.get('max_evaluations', 1000)}\n"
minimize_block += generate_header("End of the Minimization information")

return minimize_block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,18 +403,18 @@ def write_md_block(parameters_md: dict[str, Any]) -> str:

md_block = generate_header("Start of the MD information")
_key = parameters_md["integration"].get("style", "nve")
md_block += f'fix {generate_id_tag(_key, "all")} all {_key}{integration_options}\n'
md_block += f"fix {generate_id_tag(_key, 'all')} all {_key}{integration_options}\n"
if "velocity" in parameters_md:
md_block += (
md_block += f"reset_timestep {time_step}\n"
if parameters_md.get("run_style", "verlet") == "respa":
md_block += f'run_style {parameters_md.get("run_style", "verlet")} '
md_block += f'{join_keywords(parameters_md["respa_options"])}\n'
md_block += f"run_style {parameters_md.get('run_style', 'verlet')} "
md_block += f"{join_keywords(parameters_md['respa_options'])}\n"
md_block += f'run_style {parameters_md.get("run_style", "verlet")}\n'
md_block += f'run {parameters_md.get("max_number_steps", 100)}\n'
md_block += f"run_style {parameters_md.get('run_style', 'verlet')}\n"
md_block += f"run {parameters_md.get('max_number_steps', 100)}\n"
md_block += generate_header("End of the MD information")

return md_block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,29 +476,29 @@ def generate_velocity_string(parameters_velocity: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> str:
for entry in parameters_velocity:
_options = generate_velocity_options(entry)
if "create" in entry:
options += f'velocity {entry.get("group", "all")} create'
options += f' {entry["create"].get("temp")}'
options += f"velocity {entry.get('group', 'all')} create"
options += f" {entry['create'].get('temp')}"
options += (
f' {entry["create"].get("seed", np.random.randint(10000))} {_options}\n'
f" {entry['create'].get('seed', np.random.randint(10000))} {_options}\n"
if "set" in entry:
options += f'velocity {entry.get("group", "all")} set'
options += f' {entry["set"].get("vx", "NULL")}'
options += f' {entry["set"].get("vy", "NULL")}'
options += f' {entry["set"].get("vz", "NULL")} {_options}\n'
options += f"velocity {entry.get('group', 'all')} set"
options += f" {entry['set'].get('vx', 'NULL')}"
options += f" {entry['set'].get('vy', 'NULL')}"
options += f" {entry['set'].get('vz', 'NULL')} {_options}\n"
if "scale" in entry:
options += f'velocity {entry.get("group", "all")} scale'
options += f' {entry["scale"]} {_options}\n'
options += f"velocity {entry.get('group', 'all')} scale"
options += f" {entry['scale']} {_options}\n"
if "ramp" in entry:
options += f'velocity {entry.get("group", "all")} ramp'
options += f' {entry["ramp"].get("vdim")} {entry["ramp"].get("vlo")}'
options += f' {entry["ramp"].get("vhi")} {entry["ramp"].get("dim")}'
options += f"velocity {entry.get('group', 'all')} ramp"
options += f" {entry['ramp'].get('vdim')} {entry['ramp'].get('vlo')}"
options += f" {entry['ramp'].get('vhi')} {entry['ramp'].get('dim')}"
options += (
f' {entry["ramp"].get("clo")} {entry["ramp"].get("chi")} {_options}\n'
f" {entry['ramp'].get('clo')} {entry['ramp'].get('chi')} {_options}\n"
if "zero" in entry:
options += f'velocity {entry.get("group", "all")} zero'
options += f' {entry["zero"]} {_options}\n'
options += f"velocity {entry.get('group', 'all')} zero"
options += f" {entry['zero']} {_options}\n"
return options

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -618,31 +618,31 @@ def generate_integration_options(
_value = integration_parameters.get(_option)
if _value:
_value = [str(val) for val in _value]
options += f' {_option} {" ".join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} '
options += f" {_option} {' '.join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} "
# Set the options that depend on the pressure
if style in pressure_dependent:
for _option in pressure_options:
if _option in integration_parameters:
_value = integration_parameters.get(_option)
if _value:
_value = [str(val) for val in _value]
options += f' {_option} {" ".join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} '
options += f" {_option} {' '.join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} "
# Set the options that depend on the 'uef' parameters
if style in uef_dependent:
for _option in uef_options:
if _option in integration_parameters:
_value = integration_parameters.get(_option)
if _value:
_value = [str(val) for val in _value]
options += f' {_option} {" ".join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} '
options += f" {_option} {' '.join(_value) if isinstance(_value, list) else _value} "
# Set the options that depend on the 'nve/limit' parameters
if style in ["nve/limit"]:
options += f' {integration_parameters.get("xmax", 0.1)} '
options += f" {integration_parameters.get('xmax', 0.1)} "
# Set the options that depend on the 'langevin' parameters
if style in ["nve/dotc/langevin"]:
options += f' {integration_parameters.get("temp")}'
options += f' {integration_parameters.get("seed")}'
options += f' angmom {integration_parameters.get("angmom")}'
options += f" {integration_parameters.get('temp')}"
options += f" {integration_parameters.get('seed')}"
options += f" angmom {integration_parameters.get('angmom')}"
return options

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ def write_fix_block(
f'group name "{_group}" is not the defined groups {[*group_names, "all"]}'
fix_block += f"fix {generate_id_tag(key, _group)} {_group} {key} "
fix_block += f'{join_keywords(entry["type"])}\n'
fix_block += f"{join_keywords(entry['type'])}\n"
fix_block += generate_header("End of the Fix information")
return fix_block

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ def write_compute_block(
if _group not in [*group_names, "all"]:
raise ValueError(f'group name "{_group}" is not the defined groups')
compute_block += f"compute {generate_id_tag(key, _group)} {_group} {key} "
compute_block += f'{join_keywords(entry["type"])}\n'
compute_block += f"{join_keywords(entry['type'])}\n"
compute_block += generate_header("End of the Compute information")
return compute_block

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,12 +780,12 @@ def write_dump_block(
if atom_style == "charge":
num_double += 1
dump_block = generate_header("Start of the Dump information")
dump_block += f'dump aiida all custom {parameters_dump.get("dump_rate", 10)} '
dump_block += f"dump aiida all custom {parameters_dump.get('dump_rate', 10)} "
dump_block += f"{trajectory_filename} id type element x y z "
dump_block += f'{"q " if atom_style=="charge" else ""}'
dump_block += f'{" ".join(computes_list)}\n'
dump_block += f"{'q ' if atom_style == 'charge' else ''}"
dump_block += f"{' '.join(computes_list)}\n"
dump_block += "dump_modify aiida sort id\n"
dump_block += f'dump_modify aiida element {" ".join(kind_symbols)}\n'
dump_block += f"dump_modify aiida element {' '.join(kind_symbols)}\n"
dump_block += "dump_modify aiida format int ' %d ' \n"
dump_block += "dump_modify aiida format float ' %16.10e ' \n"
dump_block += generate_header("End of the Dump information")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,9 +855,9 @@ def write_thermo_block(

thermo_block = generate_header("Start of the Thermo information")
thermo_block += (
f'thermo_style custom {" ".join(fixed_thermo)} {" ".join(computes_list)}\n'
f"thermo_style custom {' '.join(fixed_thermo)} {' '.join(computes_list)}\n"
thermo_block += f'thermo {parameters_thermo.get("printing_rate", 1000)}\n'
thermo_block += f"thermo {parameters_thermo.get('printing_rate', 1000)}\n"
thermo_block += generate_header("End of the Thermo information")

printing_variables = fixed_thermo + list(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ def write_restart_block(
"Start of the intermediate write restart information"
restart_block["intermediate"] += (
f"restart {parameters_restart.get('num_steps', int(max_number_steps/10))} {restart_filename}\n"
f"restart {parameters_restart.get('num_steps', int(max_number_steps / 10))} {restart_filename}\n"
restart_block["intermediate"] += generate_header(
"End of the intermediate write restart information"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ def generate_id_tag(name: str, group: str) -> str:
:rtype: str

return f"{name.replace('/','_')}_{group}_aiida"
return f"{name.replace('/', '_')}_{group}_aiida"

def join_keywords(value: list[Any]) -> str:
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ def test_lammps_base(

assert (
"time_dependent_computes" in results
), 'the "time_dependent_computes" node is not present'
assert "time_dependent_computes" in results, (
'the "time_dependent_computes" node is not present'

_msg = "No time dependent computes obtained even when expected"
assert len(results["time_dependent_computes"].get_arraynames()) > 0, _msg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ def test_lammps_restart_generation(
), _msg
# Check that if the file was not asked to be stored that it is not stored
assert (
"restartfile" not in results
), "The restartfile is stored even when it was not requested"
assert "restartfile" not in results, (
"The restartfile is stored even when it was not requested"
if restart_parameters.restart.get("print_final", False):
_msg = "The restartfile is in the retrieved folder even when it was not requested"
assert (
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ def test_lammps_potentials_init(

for _attribute in _attributes:
_msg = f'attribute "{_attribute}" does not match between reference and current value'
assert reference_values[_attribute] == node.base.attributes.get(
), _msg
assert reference_values[_attribute] == node.base.attributes.get(_attribute), (

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -422,9 +422,9 @@ def test_relax_workchain(

assert (
"time_dependent_computes" in results
), 'the "time_dependent_computes" node is not present'
assert "time_dependent_computes" in results, (
'the "time_dependent_computes" node is not present'

_msg = "No time dependent computes obtained even when expected"
assert len(results["time_dependent_computes"].get_arraynames()) > 0, _msg
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def get_or_create_local_computer(work_directory, name="localhost"):
computer = orm.Computer(
description=("localhost computer, " "set up by aiida_lammps tests"),
description=("localhost computer, set up by aiida_lammps tests"),
Expand Down

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