Main goal of this project is simplification of parachain runtime development, when cross-chain messages are used. Allows to develop runtime code with integration tests with high repeatablility and simple usage. Automates building, construction of pre-set network configuration (f.e. 1 relay chain + 2 parachains), setup message-passing channels between parachains and running tests, sending messages, using call to runtime, constructed and composed in Python.
This project is a fork of the Substrate Developer Hub Node Template. Contains code of runtime pallets being tested. As in original node code of parachains is in "./pallets", "./runtime", "./node" catalogs.
Differences with original "substrate-node-template":
- this collator runtime has HRMP handler module and can handle messages from siblings parachains
- mock test runtime ready-made for internal XCM tests
Recommended(highly) setup:
Ubuntu 20, 16 Gb RAM, 8 CPU, 120 Gb SSD
[NOTE] First build can take a lot of time, up to several hours on weak machines [NOTE] Script works with FIXED versions (commit hashes) of Polkadot(Rococo) in relay chain and parachains [NOTE] By default script re-creates same environment every launch, by removing all previous states. this behaviour can be changed in "" using "PERSISTENT" param
Run build and setup script.
Basic actions of "" script:
- read config (file "" with revision number, initial node keys and identifiers, chaindata persistence param, etc)
- setup OS packets, Rust and Python
- bulds separate binaries for relay chain and for both parachains
- binaries will be generated in ./bin subdirectory.
- (optional) removes all previous chain data for all chains
- disabled if "PERSISTENT=1" is set in ""
- runs as separate processes (with separate PIDs and I/O pipes):
- validators of relay chain (f.e. 4 validators of some stable Rococo revision)
- collators for parachain-100 (f.e. single collator for first parachain, that you're developing)
- collators for parachain-200 (f.e. single collator for second parachain, that you're developing)
- prints all endpoints, ports to console, allowing to study any chain using frontend apps (explorer, DApp)
- keep printing all output of all chains to console
[WARNING] After launch, wait until a network is up, make sure that blocks finalization started, and parachains are registered. These processes require approximately 5 min (50 blocks x 6 sec ).
Use standard Polkdot frontend and generated "--ws-port" endpoints to connect with each node. Open Polkadot application to monitor the chains.
Localhost, 4 relay chain validators, one parachain-100 collator, one parachain-200 collator:
- Relay validator 1
- Relay validator 2
- Relay validator 3
- Relay validator 4
- Parachain-100 collator
- Parachain-200 collator
If everything works, consensus started off, we can proceed to run test cases (in a new terminal)
[TODO] describe cases
./scripts/ ump
It creates Balance.transfer
message in parachain-100
and passes it to relay.
When relay receives message it will transfer 15 tokens from para 100
account to the Charlie's.
./scripts/ ump
It creates Balance.transfer
message in parachain-100
and passes it to sibling 200
Before that, it endows subl 100
account with 1000 tokens and establish a channel between the parachains.
./scripts/ hrmp
Next messages can be sent by running hrmpm
subcommand. It doesn't create a channel and so it runs faster.
./scripts/ hrmpm
./scripts/ help
./bin/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode > rococo_local.json
Edit rococo_local.json, replace balances and authorities with yours.
"keys": [
"grandpa": "5FA9nQDVg267DEd8m1ZypXLBnvN7SFxYwV7ndqSYGiN9TTpu",
"babe": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"im_online": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"para_validator": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"para_assignment": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"authority_discovery": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"
Polkadot address for //Alice//stash (sr25519 cryptography).
$ polkadot key inspect-key --scheme sr25519 --network substrate //Alice//stash
Secret Key URI `//Alice//stash` is account:
Secret seed: 0x3c881bc4d45926680c64a7f9315eeda3dd287f8d598f3653d7c107799c5422b3
Public key (hex): 0xbe5ddb1579b72e84524fc29e78609e3caf42e85aa118ebfe0b0ad404b5bdd25f
Account ID: 0xbe5ddb1579b72e84524fc29e78609e3caf42e85aa118ebfe0b0ad404b5bdd25f
SS58 Address: 5GNJqTPyNqANBkUVMN1LPPrxXnFouWXoe2wNSmmEoLctxiZY
Polkadot grandpa session key for //Alice (ed25519 cryptography).
$ polkadot key inspect-key --scheme ed25519 --network substrate //Alice
Secret Key URI `//Alice` is account:
Secret seed: 0xabf8e5bdbe30c65656c0a3cbd181ff8a56294a69dfedd27982aace4a76909115
Public key (hex): 0x88dc3417d5058ec4b4503e0c12ea1a0a89be200fe98922423d4334014fa6b0ee
Account ID: 0x88dc3417d5058ec4b4503e0c12ea1a0a89be200fe98922423d4334014fa6b0ee
SS58 Address: 5FA9nQDVg267DEd8m1ZypXLBnvN7SFxYwV7ndqSYGiN9TTpu
Polkadot address for //Alice (sr25519 cryptography).
$ polkadot key inspect-key --scheme sr25519 --network substrate //Alice
Secret Key URI `//Alice` is account:
Secret seed: 0xe5be9a5092b81bca64be81d212e7f2f9eba183bb7a90954f7b76361f6edb5c0a
Public key (hex): 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d
Account ID: 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d
SS58 Address: 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY
Convert rococo_local.json to the raw format.
./bin/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo_local.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > rococo_local.json
To use new chain spec replace rococo.json file in ./config/ directory this new one and rerun chain.
./scripts/ run
You can freely edit code. The above command will rebuild project and update collator node before start. Cumulus is pre-release software that is still under heavy development. We are using a specific commit of polkadot [46c826f595021475fa5dbcd0987ed53f104e6e15 18 mar 2021] (
You can use more recent version of software. For this change POLKADOT_COMMIT in ./scipt/
to the latest commit of rococo-v1
branch, delete ./bin/polkadot, and run
./scripts/ run
Update collator project dependencies
cargo update
./scripts/ build
Some dependencies probably require new rust toolchain features. This project is based on rust nightly-2021-01-26
Update rust toolchain version in ./scripts/ before build .
Refer to the upstream Substrate Developer Hub Node Template to learn more about the structure of this project, the capabilities it encapsulates and the way in which those capabilities are implemented. You can learn more about The Path of Parachain Block on the official Polkadot Blog. Parity Cumulus Workshop