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Milestone 1 : Project Setup Instructions

Adithya Selvaprithiviraj edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

Download or pull the repository in to your local machine. The following steps detail the steps needed to set up and run the project.

git clone
git checkout release/project1-0.0.1

Kafka and Zookeper Server Setup

Start Kafka and Zookeper servers by running the command root of repository

cd kafka
docker-compose up -d

This should create a kafka broker listening on localhost:9092 with the following topics


API Gateway Service

Software Requirements/Dependencies

In-order to run the service do the following.

  • Download and install SBT for your machine from here

  • cd into the service folder
    cd api-gateway

  • Build the project by running
    sbt compile

  • You can run the service by executing
    sbt run

  • Inorder to build and run tests do

       sbt test:compile
       sbt test

User Management Service

Software Requirements/Dependencies

  • Java 8
  • Tomcat Server v9.0 - Download the Windows Service Installer (32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, sha512))
  • Maven - Download the binary zip archive file
  • MySQL
    • Option 1 - Download MySQL server on your local machine

      1. Download MySQL Server

      2. Configure and set up the database as follows -

        1. Create a datbase by the name of 'ads' in your mysql instance by running the following command MySQL.

        create database ads; 2. In the file of the repository (in the '..\CAPtivateUserManagement\src\main\resources' folder), change the value of the following variables as per the settings of your MySQL instance.

        • spring.datasource.username=<your_MySQL_root_username>
        • spring.datasource.password=<your_MySQL_root_password>
    • Option 2 - Run the MySQL Server on Docker. (RECOMMENDED)

      1. Open a command prompt here and navigate to your repository's '\UserManagement\db-docker' folder.
      2. Use the following command to run a MySQL instance in the Docker system.
      docker-compose up
      1. Open a browser and type the following URL.


      1. In the resulting page, enter the following values in the respective text fields.
        • Server: mysql-container
        • Username: root
        • Password: root.CAP2020
        • Database: ads_docker


After you've downloaded and installed the above in your system, follow these steps to run the Spring Boot application

  1. Unzip maven to a desired location in your computer.
  2. Define 'MAVEN_HOME' in your system variables. It would point to the location of the folder containining the Maven files unzipped in step 1. For eg. 'C:\User\apache-maven-3.6.3'
  3. Set path for Maven in your environment variables. It would contain the path upto the bin directory in the Maven folder (Step 2). For eg. 'C:\User\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin'
  4. Set JAVA_HOME variable (if not already present), to point to the JDK folder in the '..\Program Files\Java' directory. Eg. 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_241'
  5. Download and extract the code to your local machine. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder UserManagement, which must contain the pom.xml.
  6. Build the Spring Boot UserManagement Application with Maven by using either of the commands given below.
mvn install / mvn clean install


maven package
  1. Run the application using Maven with the following command.
mvn spring-boot:run

Session Management Service

Software Requirements/Dependencies

  1. Install Nodejs and npm package (can be installed from any version greater than 9. Follow the instructions to download nodejs and npm)

  2. Start MongoDB container using

docker run -d -p 27023-27025:27017-27019 --name sessionmanagementDB mongo:4.0.4
  1. Run the command
npm install
  1. Now run the command
npm start
  1. Now you will be able to access the service through

Data retrieval service

Software Requirements/Dependencies

  1. A Running kafka broker at localhost:9092 with topic data-retrieval.

  2. Python 3 - [] (

  3. kafka-python & pymongo & requests -

pip3 install kafka-python
pip3 install pymongo
pip3 install requests
  1. Start Mongo container using

    • DB instance for data retrieval service
    docker run -d -p 27014-27016:27017-27019 --name dataretrievaldb mongo:4.0.4
    • DB instance for model execution service
    docker run -d -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 --name modelexecutiondb mongo:4.0.4
    • DB instance for post-processing and analysis service
    docker run -d -p 27020-27022:27017-27019 --name ppadb mongo:4.0.4

if you do not have mongo image already pull it from docker repo using

docker pull mongo:4.0.4
  1. Run the scripts as follows from root of repository


cd data-retrieval
cd model-execution
cd postprocessing-analysis

User Interface

  1. Navigate to the folder 'WeatherApp'

  2. Run the command npm install.

    This will install all the dependent packages for the ui to run.

3.Now run the command npm start.

This will open the browser and your app will be running at `http://localhost:3000/`