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CI CD Instructions

Sneha Tilak edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 6 revisions
  • Each one of the micro-services (Gateway, Route Manager, Registry, Data Ingestor, Storm Detector, Storm Clustering, Forecast Trigger, Run Weather Forecast) is created in a seperate branch under master in our repository (TeamAviato -
  • We have used Travis CI to continuously integrate and Amazon AWS to continuously deploy the changes made to the system.
  • Each feature branch has a .travis.yml and appspec.yml file which provide build instructions along with deploy instructions.
  • Make a change to the Deploy.txt file under each branch (one at a time) to trigger the Travis CI build.
  • Once the build is successful, it will start deploying on Amazon AWS.
  • The artifacts (zip files) will be uploaded to the S3 bucket and deployed to the EC2 instance.
  • The containers will get created. The Registry, Gateway and Route Manager micro-services are considered to be single point of failure. The other micro-services will be deployed to all three instances (1 Oregon and 2 Ohio) and register themselves on the Zookeeper servers.

Prerequisite -

MySQL is installed in the Oregon EC2 instance.


#Check if MySQL is already installed
rpm -qa | grep mysql

if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo 'Installing MySQL...'
    sudo yum install -y mysql mysql-server

    echo 'Change directory to that of MySQL'
    cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/
    sudo service mysqld status
    sudo service mysqld start

    #Check if MySQL is already installed
    rpm -qa | grep mysql

mysql -u root -p
echo 'root'

#Drop existing database
echo 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS registry;'

#Create database

#Use database
echo 'use registry;'

#Create table
echo 'CREATE TABLE logservice(timestamp VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,requestid TINYTEXT NOT NULL,username VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,servicename VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,description MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (timestamp));'

#Exit from database
echo 'exit;'

For the Zookeeper ensemble, we must manually create myid files with the number label (1, 2 or 3) of the Zookeeper server under the /var/lib/zookeeper (given while installing zookeeper) directory.

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