The program sends periodically LoRaWAN frames with environmental measurements from Bosch BMX280 and Plantower PMS7003 sensors.
Build the firmware
export RIOTBASE=~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT
Connect the LoRa E5 Mini pins to the STLink flasher
Pin 1: VDD_TARGET (VDD from application) --> NC
Pin 2: SWCLK (clock) --> Pin DLK (Yellow)
Pin 3: GND (ground) --> Pin GND (Black)
Pin 4: SWDIO (SWD data input/output) --> Pin DIO (Blue)
Pin 5: NRST (RESET of target STM32) --> NC
Check steps 7 and 8 in the wiki. Step 7. Open STM32CubeProgrammer, connect ST-LINK to your PC, hold RESET Button of your Device, then click Connect and release RESET Button: Step 8. Make sure the Read Out Protection is AA, if it is shown as BB, select AA and click Apply:
Build and flash the firmware
export RIOTBASE=~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT
make flash-only
Remark: The version of
should be0.11.0+
Open the serial console of the LoRa E5 board
brew install tio
tio -L
tio -b 115200 -m INLCRNL /dev/tty.usbserial-142xxx
make term
minicom -s
By default, the DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey are forged using the CPU ID of the MCU. However, you can set the DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey of the LoRaWAN endpoint into the main.c
Optional : Configure the following parameters into the program file main.c
make SECRET=cafebabe02ffffffcafebabe02000001 binfile
The AppKey can be recovered from the DevEUI (displayed at startup) and the SECRET (flashed into the firmware) with the command lines below:
SHA=$(echo -n $DevEUI$AppEUI$SECRET | xxd -r -p | shasum -b | awk '{print $1}')
echo $AppKey
The DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey can be set by fixing DEVEUI APPEUI APPKEY into the make
make DEVEUI=33323431007f1234 APPEUI=33323431ffffffff APPKEY=f482a62f0f1234ac960882a2e25f971b binfile
The application can send a downlink message to the endpoint throught your network server.
Downlink payload can be used for
- sending an ASCII message (port = 1)
- setting the tx period of the data (port = 3)
- setting the realtime clock of the endpoint (port = 202)
- rebooting the board immedialy (port = 64)
- rebooting the board after 1 minute (port = 65)
- rebooting the board after 1 hour (port = 66)
Remark: Chirpstack implements the App Clock Sync Specification. The synchronization is done at the LNS level.
- byte 0: error flags : bit0 if error on BMX280, bit1 if error on PMS7003
If there is no error with BMX280
- byte 1-2 : temperature
- byte 3-4 : pressure
- byte 5-6 : humidity
If there is no error with PMS7003
byte 7-8 : pm1_0Standard
byte 9-10 : pm2_5Standard
byte 10-11 : pm10Standard
byte 12_13 : pm1_0Atmospheric
byte 14_15 : pm2_5Atmospheric
byte 16_17 : pm10Atmospheric
byte 18_19 : particuleGT0_3
byte 20_21 : particuleGT0_5
byte 22_23 : particuleGT1_0
byte 24_25 : particuleGT2_5
byte 26_27 : particuleGT10
Javascript decoder for main LNS is codec/decoder.js
- add GPIO for resetting the PMS7003 (pin RST) :
- fix RTC sync
cd ~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT
cd tests/pkg_semtech-loramac
BOARD=lora-e5-dev LORA_DRIVER=sx126x_stm32wl gmake -j 16 clean flash
Set #define ENABLE_DEBUG 1
into the files ~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pkg/semtech-loramac/contrib/semtech_loramac*.c