is a glue library that helps with integration of AutoFixture and AutoMapper.
The AutoFixture.Community.AutoMapper
package offers a customization that helps
- Customizes AutoFixture to provide a fully configured
instance - Relays requests for an
instance to theMapper
implementation - Configures AutoMapper to use AutoFixture as a service factory
- Provides an easy way to include only the required AutoMapper configuration
The example below demonstrates how to use the AutoMapperCustomization
to integrate existing AutoMapper profiles.
public class ModelsProfile: Profile
public ModelsProfile()
CreateMap<Customer, CustomerDto>();
[Theory, AutoData]
public void MapsModels(Customer customer, Fixture fixture)
// Arrange
var expected = fixture.Build<CustomerDto>()
.With(x => x.Id, customer.Id)
.With(x => x.Name, customer.Name)
fixture.Customize(new AutoMapperCustomization(x => x
/* x is IMapperConfigurationExpression,
so any AutoMapper configuration is valid here */
var sut = fixture.Create<IMapper>();
// Act
var actual = sut.Map<CustomerDto>(customer);
// Assert
The following example shows that the library can act as the service factory for AutoMapper. This means you can easily manipulate services injected into type and value converters.
public class OrderTypeConverter : ITypeConverter<OrderDto, Order>
private readonly ITime time;
public OrderTypeConverter(ITime time)
this.time = time;
public Order Convert(OrderDto source, Order destination, ResolutionContext context)
return new Order(source.ProductId, source.Amount, this.time.Now);
public class CommerceModelProfile : Profile
public CommereceModelProfile()
this.CreateMap<OrderDto, Order>()
public class CommerceDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public CommerceDataAttribute()
: base(() => new Fixture()
new CompositeCustomization(
// This configures ITime to be resolved as a mock with a value in ITime.Now
new AutoMoqCustomization { ConfigureMembers = true },
new AutoMapperCustomization(x => x
[Theory, CommerceData]
public void ProvidesServices(
/* The value to be injected into ITime.Now */
[Frozen] DateTime now,
IMapper mapper, OrderDto model)
// Arrange
var expected = new Order(model.ProductId, model.Amount, now);
// Act
var actual = mapper.Map<Order>(model);
// Assert
Copyright © 2021 Andrei Ivascu.
This project is MIT licensed.