HNRetweet is an userscript that adds retweet links to the Hacker News site.
Clicking on a retweet link for a story lets you retweet that story from @HNTweets.
If a low-profile story wasn't tweeted by @HNTweets the script lets you send a new tweet in the same format.
- In Firefox install Greasemonkey and click on the install button bellow.
- In Chrome install Tampermonkey and click on the install button bellow.
- In Opera right-click on the button bellow select "Save Linked Content As..." and put the script in an empty folder
Then set that folder as the userscripts folder in:
[Opera button] > [Settings] > [Preferences] / [Advanced] / [Content] / [JavaScript options]
Note: I'm not sure about other browsers. Let me know if it works for you...
A Compojure web app running on App Engine receives new tweets from @HNTweets and maintains a list of backlinks from each HN post to the corresponding tweet.
The user script build a retweet links for each post based on the post id from the comment link (or the post URL if there isn't a comment link). These links point to an ( URL for the webapp that redirects you to the coresponding retweet intent.