- Get video
- Make sure subject is centered using keyframes if need be
- Convert to webm using vp9 encoder and a small mp4
- Further compress webm using ffmpeg. I used
ffmpeg -i splash-video.webm -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 500k -minrate 300k -maxrate 1000k -crf 10 -c:a libvorbis output2.webm
- New images go into /images
- run
gulp imagemin
to put images in /dist/images - run
gulp thumbnail
to generate thumbnails for lazy loading
- set the
attribute to point to /dist/images andsrc
to point to the thumbnail - add lazyload and blur-up
Make sure to change the Title
in the metadata to Grace Bobber Resume
. I used exiftool
for this one time.
rm -r node_modules
npm install
npm install imagemin imagemin-pngquant imagemin-zopfli imagemin-mozjpeg
- Profit!