Java coding problems are especially useful for beginners and intermediate java developers. However, the problems implemented here are encountered in the daily work of any developer/engineer.
- Reversing letters and words
- Checking whether a string contains only digits
- Counting vowels and consonants
- Counting the occurrences of a certain character
- Converting a string into an int, long, float or double
- Removing white spaces from a string
- Joining multiple strings with a delimiter
- Generating all permutations
- A list of books
- A map classifying books by topic
- An ordered map from book titles to publication date of latest edition
- A map partitioning books into programming (mapped to true) and history (false)
- A map associating each topic with the book on that topic having the most authors
- A map associating each topic with the total number of volumes on that topic
- The topic with the most books
- A map from each topic to the concatenation of all the book titles on that topic
- To concatenate the titles of all books in my library, separating the titles by a double colon
- A list of strings, each containing all the authors' names for a single book
- To collect stream of elements into a sorted set using custom collections
- A different downstream collector, one that counts the incoming elements
- A list of books in the library showing the volume numbers and page counts of each