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Do Docker commands slip your mind because you don't use Docker often enough? Sick of googling commands for everyday tasks? GoManageDocker is designed to NUKE this annoyance.

Introducing goManageDocker (get it?)! This blazing fast TUI, made using Go and BubbleTea, will make managing your Docker objects a breeze.


  1. Install Instructions
  2. Features
  3. Keybinds
  4. Configuration
  5. Roadmap
  6. Found an issue?
  7. Contributing

Install Instructions


You can install the latest release of goManageDocker on UNIX systems with a simple bash script:

bash -c "$(curl -sLo-"

Start the program with gmd.

Build from source

Just build like any other Go binary:

go install

Start the program with gomanagedocker (Rename it to gmd if you'd like, the binary will be installed at your $GOPATH).


You can get the latest precompiled binary from releases or you may build from source.

Now, goManageDocker 😏!!


goManageDocker runs best on terminals that support ANSI 256 colors and designed to run while the terminal is maximized.


Want to try this without installing a binary? I gotchu!

docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock kakshipth/gomanagedocker:latest

Alias it to something quicker (unless you like typing a lot πŸ™„)


New in v1.4:

  1. Global notification system notificationSystem

  2. Bulk operation mode: select multiple objects before performing an operations (saves so much time!!) bulkDelete

  3. Build image from Dockerfile using b build

  4. View live logs from a container using L runImage

  5. Run image now takes arguments for port, name and env vars. runImage

Previous release features:

  1. Easy navigation with vim keybinds and arrow keys. intro

  2. Exec into selected container with A SINGLE KEYSTROKE: x...How cool is that? exec

  3. Delete objects using d (You can force delete with D, you won't have to answer a prompt this way) delete

  4. Prune objects using p prune

  5. start/stop/pause/restart containers with s, t and r startstop

  6. Filter objects with / search

  7. Perfrom docker scout with s scout

  8. Run an image directly from the image tab by pressing r. runImage

  9. You can directly copy the ID to your clipboard of an object by pressing c. copyId

  10. You can now run and exec into an image directly from the images tab with x runAndExec



Operation Key
Back Esc
Quit Ctrl + c / q
Next Tab β†’ / l / Tab
Prev Tab ← / h / Shift + Tab
Next Item ↓ / j
Prev Item ↑ / k
Next Page [
Prev Page ]
Enter bulk mode Space


Operation Key
Run r
Build Image b
Scout s
Prune p
Delete d
Delete (Force) D
Copy ID c
Run and Exec x


Operation Key
Toggle List All a
Toggle Start/Stop s
Toggle Pause t
Restart r
Delete d
Delete (Force) D
Exec x
Prune p
Copy ID c
Show Logs L


Operation Key
Delete d
Prune p
Copy Volume Name c


I've added support for config files from V1.2.

Place gomanagedocker/gomanagedocker.yaml in your XDG config folder and configure to your heart's content!

Default Configuration:

  Polling-Time: 500
  Tab-Order: [images, containers, volumes]
  Notification-timeout: 2000
  • Polling-Time: Set how frequently the program calls the docker API (measured in milliseconds, default: 500ms)
  • Tab-Order: Set the order of tabs displayed, the keys must be images, containers and volumes. You can omit the names of the tabs you do not wish to see as well. Say I want to see containers tab first and do not want to see the volumes tab, I can set Tab-Order: [containers, images]
  • Notification-Timeout: Set how long a status message sticks around for (measured in milliseconds, default: 2000ms)


  • Add a networks tab
  • Make compatible with podman πŸ‘€

Found an issue ?

Feel free to open a new issue, I will take a look ASAP.


Please refer for more info.

