CSV Upload File which built using Nodejs, Ejs , CSS , JavaScript.It is responsive across all devices.
- User can upload any csv file into the system - using Multer JS
- Display a list of all uploaded csv files - CSV is parsed and converted into JSON and stored in the Mongo Database
- When the user selects a file, it displays all the data (with column headers) in a table on the page (front end)
- There is a search box which searches on the front end itself and displays the matching rows of the table only (empty search box displays all the data).
- There is a sorting button (ascending and descending) for each column on the front end
- There is a validation on the front end and server side on being able to upload only csv type of files
- There is a pagination of the data displayed in the table to a max of 100 records per page
npm install
npm start
Open [http://localhost:8500] view
- express-ejs-layouts
- dotenv
- ejs
- express
- mongoose
- nodemon
- express-session
- multer
- papaparse <br/ >
- connect-flash