I retired this tool and archived this repository after Elon Musk shut down free Twitter API access.
Twitter analytics estimates the gender ratio of your followers, but it doesn't tell you about those you follow--your Twitter "friends"--and it doesn't let you analyze other people's friends and followers. Neither does it notice gender-nonbinary users. This tool attempts to fill the gap. It guesses the gender of your friends and followers by looking in their Twitter bios for pronoun announcements like "she/her", or else guessing based on first name.
I've deployed it for public use since June 2016 at proporti.onl.
Read my article about this code: "72% Of The People I Follow On Twitter Are Men."
This script requires Python 3.8, and the packages listed in requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Pass a Twitter username to analyze the user's friends and followers:
python3 analyze.py jessejiryudavis
From the repository root directory:
python3 -m unittest discover -v
Start a Flask server for testing:
CONSUMER_KEY=foo CONSUMER_SECRET=bar COOKIE_SECRET=baz python3 server.py 8000