This is a api project which is build using node Js and express JS framework. Using this api, It is possible to build front-end review app that can perform all the crud functionalites with proper token and cookie authentication. All the routes of this api is protected and users need to go through token authentication in order to use the protected routes. MongoDB and Mongoose were used to perform database functionalities. As aim of this api is to provide support to the front end developers, therefore making this api live was not essential. Those who wants to use this api need to use their own mongodb account. There are detailed instructions in this readme file on how to properly use and customize this api. Postman documentation with all the api endpoints is also linked in this documentation.
Additional description about the project and its features.- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Express Js
- vanila javascript
- Postman for testing endpoints
- first clone the repository
- use your terminal
- go to the project directory using cd (directory name)
- run "npm install" to install all the dependencies
- Populate the config.env.env file with the data that each variable reuqires
- run "npm run dev" to start server in development environment
- run "npm run start" to start server in production environment
- A good text editor (ex.Vscode)
- Github profile
- Git installed in your local machine
- Mongodb user account
- Own Mongodb cluster
- The api is not live.
- To use the api user needs to get the variables that are empty in env file
👤 Author1
Github: @Avijit
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is a personal project of Avijit.