The course tracker app provides a way to track details about courses a student is pursuing. New users must create an account in order to log in. Once authenticated, users can create new courses, can update their course progress, can see detail report of the courses he or she created. The api uses jwt authentication token to make user authentication.
Action | What It Does | HTTP Verb | URL |
index | Return a list of current user courses. | GET | /courses |
create | Create a new course. | POST | /courses |
show | Return a single course. | GET | /courses/:id |
update | Update a single course. | PATCH | /courses/:id |
destroy | Destroy a single course. | DELETE | /courses/:id |
create | Create a new user. | POST | /users |
session | Create a new session. | POST | /login |
The main purpose of building this app is to provide back-end support to react front-end app. This api provides the following functionalities:
- Provides list of courses created by users
- Provides sessions for users to perform authentication.
- Provides information of single course from database.
- Uses postgresql database to store data that has been passed through front-end
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby
- Rubocop
- Atom text editor
- Rspec gem
To get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
$ cd <folder>
$ git clone ``
$ cd course-tracker_final_capstone_api
$ bundle install
$ Run `rails db:create` to create necessary tables in database
$ Run `rails db:migrate` to create necessary tables in database
$ Run `rails server` to see the user interface.
$ Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
👤 Avijit Karmaker
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This is a project developed by Microverse Student as the part of skill curriculum.