This is my realisation of Akinator game.
git clone
cd Akinator
You can instal graphviz by apt or apt-get:
sudo apt install graphviz
Or by using pacman (On Arch and Manjaro linux)
sudo pacman -S graphviz
You can install make by apt or apt-get:
sudo apt install make
Or by using pacman (For Arch and Manjaro linux)
sudo pacman -S make
After cloning this repsitory, just run
to compile whole project and the use:
To start the game. Then, follow the instractions of the Akinator.
- You can use "y" (yes) or "n" (no) to answer the questions.
- You also can use "q" to quit the game every time you want.
Sage Akinator is very clever and can guess the person you imagine precisely. But even he can't always be right, and there are some cases when he just does not know the person you imagine.
In this situations you can teach him, folowing his instructions:
This wise man will remember it and guess it next time.You can dump the binary tree of the Akinator after running with -dump-tree
./Play -dump-tree
Dump will look like this: