- Download VES zip file from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/561373/ves_ajoros.zip to C:/ drive
- NOTE: If you run into permission (admin priviledge) error during download process just download to C:/Users/. After this, drag and drop (or extract) the .zip file from C:/Users/ to C:/
- NOTE: If you have any issues, make sure to right-click and run as administrator
- Unzip to C:/ drive. Once successfully unzipped you should see the main.py in the folder path C:/ves_ajoros/ves/main.py
- Download Win64 miniconda installer: https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe
- Right click .exe > Run as Administrator (IMPORTANT STEP) and follow the instructions on the screen. Simply accept the defaults as they all can be changed later.
- Run run_ves_install.bat from C:/ves_ajoros. This installs the dependencies that run_ves_field.bat uses.
- After observed data is collected, double click run_ves_field.bat.
- Insert observed/survey data into table, and press "Computer and Plot Resistivities" to generate graph plot.
- Press "Launch VES Inverse Analysis"
- Enter appropriate table data, longitude, latitude, and date/time information
- To launch Monte Carlo Simulation press "Re-Run Using Monte Carlo Simultation"
- NOTE: Please be patient while Monte Carlo simulations runs. Takes ~5-20 seconds. Program may hang but this is normal.
- PDF output will then be available at C:/ves_ajoros/ves/report_pdfs