A Python async client for the NATS messaging system.
Should be compatible with following versions of Python using Tornado 4.2+ (less than 5.0) with gnatsd as the server:
- 2.7.x
For python 3, check asyncio-nats
pip install nats-client
# coding: utf-8
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.gen
import time
from datetime import datetime
from nats.io.utils import new_inbox
from nats.io import Client as NATS
def main():
nc = NATS()
# Establish connection to the server.
options = { "verbose": True, "servers": ["nats://"] }
yield nc.connect(**options)
def discover(msg=None):
print("[Received]: %s" % msg.data)
sid = yield nc.subscribe("discover", "", discover)
# Only interested in 2 messages.
yield nc.auto_unsubscribe(sid, 2)
yield nc.publish("discover", "A")
yield nc.publish("discover", "B")
# Following two messages won't be received.
yield nc.publish("discover", "C")
yield nc.publish("discover", "D")
# Request/Response
def help_request_handler(msg):
print("[Received]: %s" % msg.data)
nc.publish(msg.reply, "OK, I can help!")
# Susbcription using distributed queue
yield nc.subscribe("help", "workers", help_request_handler)
# Expect a single request and timeout after 500 ms
response = yield nc.timed_request("help", "Hi, need help!", timeout=0.5)
print("[Response]: %s" % response.data)
except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
print("Timeout! Need to retry...")
# Customize number of responses to receive
def many_responses(msg=None):
print("[Response]: %s" % msg.data)
yield nc.request("help", "please", expected=2, cb=many_responses)
# Publish inbox
my_inbox = new_inbox()
yield nc.subscribe(my_inbox)
yield nc.publish_request("help", my_inbox, "I can help too!")
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
yield tornado.gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, time.time() + 1)
start = datetime.now()
# Make roundtrip to the server and timeout after 1 second
yield nc.flush(1)
end = datetime.now()
print("Latency: %d µs" % (end.microsecond - start.microsecond))
except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
print("Timeout! Roundtrip too slow...")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# coding: utf-8
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.gen
from datetime import timedelta
from nats.io import Client as NATS
from nats.io.errors import ErrConnectionClosed
def main():
nc = NATS()
# Set pool servers in the cluster and give a name to the client
# each with its own auth credentials.
options = {
"servers": [
# Error callback takes the error type as param.
def error_cb(e):
print("Error! ", e)
def close_cb():
print("Connection was closed!")
def disconnected_cb():
def reconnected_cb():
# Set callback to be dispatched whenever we get
# protocol error message from the server.
options["error_cb"] = error_cb
# Called when we are not connected anymore to the NATS cluster.
options["close_cb"] = close_cb
# Called whenever we become disconnected from a NATS server.
options["disconnected_cb"] = disconnected_cb
# Called when we connect to a node in the NATS cluster again.
options["reconnected_cb"] = reconnected_cb
yield nc.connect(**options)
def subscriber(msg):
yield nc.publish("pong", "pong:{0}".format(msg.data))
yield nc.subscribe("ping", "", subscriber)
for i in range(0, 100):
yield nc.publish("ping", "ping:{0}".format(i))
yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.1)
yield nc.close()
yield nc.publish("ping", "ping")
except ErrConnectionClosed:
print("No longer connected to NATS cluster.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# coding: utf-8
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.gen
import time
from nats.io import Client as NATS
def main():
nc = NATS()
yield nc.connect()
def subscriber(msg):
print("Msg received on [{0}]: {1}".format(msg.subject, msg.data))
yield nc.subscribe("foo.*.baz", "", subscriber)
yield nc.subscribe("foo.bar.*", "", subscriber)
yield nc.subscribe("foo.>", "", subscriber)
yield nc.subscribe(">", "", subscriber)
# Matches all of above
yield nc.publish("foo.bar.baz", b"Hello World")
yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# coding: utf-8
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.gen
import time
from nats.io import Client as NATS
def main():
nc = NATS()
# Set pool servers in the cluster and give a name to the client.
options = {
"name": "worker",
"servers": [
# Explicitly set loop to use for the reactor.
options["io_loop"] = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
yield nc.connect(**options)
def subscriber(msg):
yield nc.publish("discover", "pong")
yield nc.subscribe("discover", "", subscriber)
def async_subscriber(msg):
# First request takes longer, while others are still processed.
if msg.subject == "requests.1":
yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
print("Processed request [{0}]: {1}".format(msg.subject, msg))
# Create asynchronous subscription and make roundtrip to server
# to ensure that subscriptions have been processed.
yield nc.subscribe_async("requests.*", cb=async_subscriber)
yield nc.flush()
for i in range(1, 10):
yield nc.publish("requests.{0}".format(i), "example")
yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
while True:
# Confirm stats to implement basic throttling logic.
sent = nc.stats["out_msgs"]
received = nc.stats["in_msgs"]
delta = sent - received
if delta > 2000:
print("Waiting... Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Delta: {2}".format(sent, received, delta))
yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
if nc.stats["reconnects"] > 10:
print("[WARN] Reconnected over 10 times!")
for i in range(1000):
yield nc.publish("discover", "ping")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Advanced customizations options for setting up a secure connection can be done by including them on connect:
# Establish secure connection to the server, tls options parameterize
# the wrap_socket available from ssl python package.
options = {
"verbose": True,
"servers": ["nats://"],
"tls": {
"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
"ca_certs": "./configs/certs/ca.pem",
"keyfile": "./configs/certs/client-key.pem",
"certfile": "./configs/certs/client-cert.pem"
yield nc.connect(**options)
In this repo there are also included a couple of simple utilities for subscribing and publishing messages to NATS:
# Make a subscription to 'hello'
$ python examples/nats-sub hello
Subscribed to 'hello'
[Received: hello] world
# Send a message to hello
$ python examples/nats-pub hello -d "world"
Unless otherwise noted, the NATS source files are distributed under the Apache Version 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.