KinMatKs is my attempt at making a vehicle dynamics Kinematics Simulation program.
Current functionality includes:
Squat - Press S to make the vehicle squat (not currently working, math is hard)
Bump - Press B to make the vehicle bump (just barely working)
Fully* adjustable suspension points, inboard and outboard (Fully meaning it follows traditional double wishbone suspension design)
Move around the model. This one I'm really proud of, cause quaternions kinda suck.
Does 'quit' count? - Press Q to quit the program
Perspective - Very gimmicky, press P to cause a change in perspective. Doesn't look better, but it's another button to press.
Lighting - Press L to toggle lighting. Defaults to 'on' since that looks better IMO, but can be turned off if it works for you
Fix Squat functionality
Add second half to vehicle (what good is only two wheels?)
Add gravity (kinda useless without the ever-constant force that all cars experience)
Add center of mass (kinda necessary for gravity to work correctly)
Add in program parameter changing
Add parameter saving
Add data replay (Bad idea, many headaches, wicked cool)