The overall thing that needs to be accomplished is:
- Create a dog model that stores name and age
- Validate the dog has a name and age
- Going to "/dogs" will go to an index view of all the dogs in the database
- Going to "/dogs/1" will go to a show view of the dog with id 1. This should work for any arbitrary id.
- Going to "/dogs/new" will go to a working form that will allow me to create a dog and redirect me to the new dogs show view
To start everything off, fork this repository - there should be a fork button on the top right corner of the repo. Fork the repository to your own!
Run this command to clone this repository after you fork:
git clone
Afterwards, change directory into the folder and run
rails server
There is the annotated code of how to do the same process for creating all this functionality for a user. The only difference is there is an integer (the dogs age) involved. TRY not the reference the annotated code until you try it first, it'll make the experience more challenging. The specs are general because you will find that when making an app implementation details aren't given but rather general feature details.
Run the following commands in your repo
git add .
git commit -am "I'M DONE"
and fill out this form.