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Implementation of Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets

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Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surfact Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets

Authors: Anqi (Joyce) Yang and Jonah Philion



Project: This repository implements Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets by Mullen et al. 2010.

Challenge: Extract a signed distance field (SDF) given only a raw pointcloud.

Proposed Solution: This paper leverages the fact that, given a closed surface , a query point can be classified as lying inside or outside the surface by shooting a ray in any direction from the query point and counting how many times the ray intersections the surface ; if the ray intersects the surface an even/odd number of times, the point is outside/inside the surface. The paper uses this fact to "sign" an unsigned distance field. The steps are:

1. calculate an unsigned distance field (UDF)
2. recover a coarse mesh (M) from the UDF
3. use M to find an epsilon-band that best captures the surface boundary
4. shoot rays through the epsilon-band to sign the UDF relative to M
5. smooth the signed distance

Takeaways: Our main critique of this paper is that it has a chicken-and-the-egg problem; ray-shooting only returns reasonable estimates of the sign if the coarse mesh M is good, but if the coarse mesh M is good then the performance benefit of estimating the sign will be small. We find that the algorithm is very sensitive to its many hyper-parameters, a problem that follow-up work to this paper attempts to address (Noise-Adaptive Shape Reconstruction from Raw Point Sets).

Our Implementation

To get started: Clone this repository recursively

git clone --recursive

Installation and Compilation

We use CGAL for 3D Delaunay triangulation. CGAL requires gmp, mpfr and boost. If you are a Linux user, run

sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libboost-all-dev

If you are a Mac user, run

brew install gmp mpfr boost

If you are a Windows user, you will only need to install boost as the makefiles below should download and install the other two for you automatically.

To build the project, run

mkdir build
cd build


Once built, you can execute the assignment from inside the build/ using

./mesh-reconstruction [path to point cloud]


Mesh Visualization

  • S / s - mesh output by "Signing the Unsigned"
  • C / c - intermediate coarse mesh output by "Signing the Unsigned"
  • E / e - epsilon-band output by "Signing the Unsigned"
  • K - epsilon-band with increased epsilon
  • k - epsilon-band with decreased epsilon
  • N / n - mesh output by Poisson Surface Reconstruction

Ray Shooting

  • r - sample a ray and visualize the result

Point Cloud Visualization

  • P / p - input point cloud
  • V / v - coarse mesh vertices colored based on which switch is selected below
  • y - color according to predicted signed distance
  • u - color according to predicted sign
  • i - color according to sign confidence
  • o - color according to unsigned distance
  • m - color according to poisson distance
  • b - show gradient of the unsigned distance (used during ray-shooting)

2D Cut

  • z- visualize a 2D cut and increment the 2D cut being visualized
  • t - visualize a 2D cut and decrement the 2D cut being visualized


We implement the Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surfact Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets by Mullen et al. 2010. The goal is to robustly reconstruct a closed, watertight mesh from a set of (potentially noisy) points. Unlike Poisson Surface Reconstruction by Kazhdan et al. 2006, this algoithm does not require oriented normals as input. At a high level, the algorithm estimates an unsigned distance field, and signs it with ray shooting. Remember that the signed distance of an arbitrary point to a solid volume with boundary is

where is the unsigned distance, and is the complement (i.e. outside the solid).

Unsigned Distance Estimation

The paper first estimates the unsigned distance of an arbitrary point to the surface (which we wish to reconstruct) by evaluating the distance from to the input point set .

To be robust to noises and outliers, the paper uses the measure defined in Geometric Inference for Measures based on Distance Functions by Chazal et al. 2009, which first finds the top points in that are the closest to , and computes the unsigned distance


is the set of K-nearest neighbors. The paper finds that choosing K in the 12 to 30 range is sufficient. In our experiments with smaller and simpler point clouds, K=5 gives better result.

Coarse Mesh Construction

To discretize the space, we modify the adaptive sampling in the paper with fixed-grid sampling, which we found sufficient in our experiments. Similar to the Poisson Surface Reconstruction assignment, we first define a regular 3D grid of voxels containing at least the bounding box of . We then estimate the unsigned distance at each sampled point in the grid, and only keep the point with

where h is the length of the voxel grid diagonal. The filtering step above aims to keep only the set of sampled points that are close to the point cloud. With these points as vertices, we can perform Delaunay triangulation in 3D to construct a coarse tetrahedra mesh.

-Band Selection

Since is a loose threshold, the coarse mesh constructed above does not best reflect the shape of the surface. To represent the shape better, we find an -band which is made up of all points, edges, faces and tetrahedra in the coarse mesh that have an unsigned distance . Our goal is thus to find the value of that best captures the surface boundary.

The gif below illustrates the -band with different values.

To select the value automatically, the paper uses a function


are the number of components, cavities, and tunnels in the epsilon-band, and the density of input points in the band. The detailed steps are:

First, we sample 200 possible values by sorting all vertices based on the respective unsigned distance, and splitting the vertices into 200 equal-sized buckets. The max unsigned distance in each bucket will correspond to a potential value.

Next, we bucket all input points and tetrahedra in the coarse mesh into the 200 intervals based on the respective unsigned distance. We then compute the number of components of each -band with union-find as we insert tetrahedra with increasing thresholds. The number of cavities can be found similarily in the reverse order. We then calculate where is the Euler characteristic associated to the -band. Finally, is the number of input points inside the band divided by the volume of the band.

We then plot the function of . The paper suggests smoothing the output slightly and chooses the first local minimum after first local maximum based on empirical results. In our experiments, we observed similar shapes of the plots as the paper, but found that choosing as the median of unsigned distance at all vertices gives the best result with the full algorithm.

The image below shows the function with respect to the bucket index for all three test point clouds. Nearest-neighbor hyperparameter =5 here. Blue denotes the raw values and orange denotes smoothed values.

We also attach Figure 4 in the paper as reference.

The image below shows an visualization of the raw point set, the coarse bounding mesh from Delaunay triangulation, and the -band chosen based on the auto-selected values.

-Band Refinement

Input points in the chosen -band are most likely to be close to the surface and not noisy. Therefore, we can refine the unsigned distances of vertices within the band using only input points inside the band. Instead of directly using the nearest neighbors inside the band, we now stochastically fit a plane with the neighbors. Specifically, we take random subsets of size . For each subset, we fit a plane with PCA and computes the fitting residual as the mean point-to-plane distance in the subset. We identify the best-fit plane as the one with the smallest residual, and set the refined unsigned distance as the distance between the plane and the query point . The paper chooses and . The figure belows shows the histogram of absolute distance between the ground-truth unsigned distance (estimated with the mesh from Poisson Surface Reconstruct) and the unsigned distance estimated before and after the refinement on the elephant point cloud. Note that after refinement we do not see an improvement. We suspect this might be because refinement aims to address noise in the input point cloud problem while the test elephant point cloud is very clean.

Sign Estimates

We first preprocess a "graph-like" representation of the coarse mesh such that for any vertex , we have the edges connected to , a unit vector representing the direction of each edge, and the direction of the gradient of the unsigned distance at that vertex

To "shoot rays", we sample a random direction represented as a unit vector, then recursively choose the edge that most closely aligns with the chosen direction until we reach a vertex that was already visited. We shoot

rays from each vertex.

We count how many times each trajectory passes through the epsilon band by counting how many times the ray transitions from a vertex outside the band to a vertex inside the band and later departs from the band. As suggested in the paper, to somewhat filter out cases where a ray "grazes" the epsilon band and comes out the same side that it entered, we only count cases where the dot product of the gradient of the unsigned distance at the entrance point has a negative dot product with the gradient of the unsigned distance at the exit point.

  • A ray shot from inside the elephant's belly intersects the epsilon band 3 times and is therefore correctly marked as an "interior" point. Entrances are colored green and exits are colored red.
  • Gradient of the unsigned distance. Since it roughly aligns with surface normals, the unsigned gradient is use to filter band-ray intersections in which the ray exits the same side of the band that it entered.
  • An example where a ray "grazes" the epsilon band (black edges) and our algorithm (correctly) does not count it because the gradient of the unsigned distance at the entrance aligns too closely with the gradient at the exit.
  • Final predicted sign. Blue corresponds to "exterior" points, green corresponds to "band" points, and red corresponds to "interior" points.
  • Final "confidence" in the predicted sign. Dark corresponds to low confidence and bright corresponds to high confidence. The ears are regions of low confidence, which is intuitive because they are thin.

Final Refinement

We now have unsigned distances for all vertices in the coarse mesh and we have an estimate of the sign of vertices outside the epsilon band (along with a measure of uncertainty in our estimate). Before applying marching tetrahedra, the paper suggests that we first propagate sign estimates to the "band" vertices.

To do so, we sort the band vertices by their unsigned distance. Starting with the vertex with greatest distance, we check all vertices that are connected to the current vertex that have been assigned a sign. If all neighbors have the same sign, we set the the sign of that vertex to the sign of its neighbors and set the confidence to the maximum of the confidence of its neighbors.

  • Before and after sign propagation.

Before feeding our SDF to marching tets, we smooth the signed distances by solving the sparse linear system


are the laplacian of the coarse mesh, a scalar that controls how much smoothing we would like, a diagonal matrix holding the sign confidence, the smoothed signed distance that we solve for, a diagonal matrix containing the predicted sign, and the unsigned distance. Note that the larger alpha is, the more closely

will match the raw predicted signed distance. Large alpha therefore corresponds to no smoothing. We found

to work best.
  • Smoothed signed distance

Finally, we apply marching tetrahedra to the smoothed signed distance on the coarse mesh to get a final triangle mesh.


Empirically we found that the results are sensitive to four hyperparameters, which are the discretization density, the nearest neighbor , the number of rays used for sign estimation, and the smoothness hyperparameter . A follow-up work to this paper attempts to address the problem. (Noise-Adaptive Shape Reconstruction from Raw Point Sets). In addition, the automatic -band selection heuristics might not give overall best result even though the band visualization with the chosen looks reasonable.

Since we (Joyce and Jonah) have both worked on self-driving research, we thought it would be fun to apply the algorithm to LiDAR scans of cars. Obviously, this domain is very different from the domain that "Signing the Unsigned" was designed for in that cars in LiDAR scans are generally partially observed. We accumulated all LiDAR points for cars from the nuScenes dataset (nuScenes tracks objects so it's possible to concatenate points from LiDAR scans from multiple timesteps). The car below had the largest number of points in the "mini" split of the dataset (see ../data/nuscenes_car.pwn). Data-driven reconstruction is likely necessary to reconstruct a correct mesh from a point cloud like this. It could be interesting to fuse the techniques from "Signing the Unsigned" with data-driven surface reconstruction.


Implementation of Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets






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