todo app using react, node, express, postgres, tailwind css and redux-saga
Social Media Platform Backend build using node.js, express and mongodb.
🛡️ A list of all profile badges and how to obtain each one 🛡️
Paytm clone is a robust and scalable platform built on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack Recoil.js, offering users a comprehensive suite of financial services.
Image app Build using MERN Stack. Allowing user to Upload Image, preview and save within app.
Delivering Products and their Details, our website keeps you informed about their prices and discounts, category, and description With Loading Screen
Delivering Products and their Details, our website keeps you informed about their prices and discounts, category, and description With Loading Screen.
Delivering Users and their Profile, our website keeps you informed about people and their professions, Contacts, and connection.
Introducing our innovative movie app, your go-to companion for movie updates tailored to your favorite Genres! Whether you're planning to see all details about it, or just staying informed about it.
odo app Build using MERN Stack , Redux toolkit and Thunk api. Allowing to Creating Todo list, Update and Delete Todo list within app.
Todo app Build using MERN Stack. Allowing to Creating Todo list, Update and Delete Todo list within app.
Notes app Build using MERN Stack. Allowing to Creating User's registration, Login, Adding Notes, Update and Delete Notes within app.
Introducing our innovative WeatherExplorer app, your go-to companion for real-time weather updates tailored to your favorite cities!
Welcome to Akash Pawar's portfolio showcasing a talented software developer's skills projects and experience in crafting innovative solutions through code.
Stocks Update use polygon api for fetching stocks and update price in every 15 sec.
Landing Page for Faith is build using ReactJs, NodeJS, Tailwind CSS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Delivering breaking stories and in-depth coverage, our news website keeps you informed, empowered, and ahead of the curve.
task 1 website using ReactJS , NodeJS and Bootstrap
web development project done with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap
Welcome to Akash Pawar's portfolio, showcasing a talented software developer's skills, projects, and experience in crafting innovative solutions through code. https://akash-pawar-portfolio.netlify.…
Website developed using React and Bootstrap
BookMyShow clone using HTML, CSS, Javascript , node.js, express.js and Mongodb.