This is a simple Javascript bookmarklet that makes using the Star City Games buylist much easier and faster. Press the backtick (`)/tilde (~) key to put the cursor in the search box and clear it.
- Create an empty bookmark and input the following condensed Javascript code as the URL.
javascript:(function()%7Bdocument.onkeypress %3D function onKeypressGiveSearchBarFocus(event) %7Bvar KEY %3D 96%3B %2F* %60 (backtick) *%2Fif (event.which %3D%3D KEY) %7B%24('%23bl-search-name-text').focus().val('')%3Bevent.preventDefault()%3B%7D%7D%7D)()
Click the bookmarklet to activate it.
Enter a card name in the "Product Name" search bar.
Press the backtick (`)/tilde (~) key to clear the search bar and give it focus.
document.onkeypress = function onKeypressGiveSearchBarFocus(event) {
var KEY = 96; /* ` (backtick) */
if (event.which == KEY) {
}; was used to create the bookmarklet.