Inactive Project: Now that almost everybody I was working with ended their GitHub streaks, there's not much use putting further work into this.
Sinatra app to show a user's Github streak compared to the people they follow.
git clone git://
cd scoreboard
bundle install
SB_DEFAULT=jimbo SB_TOKEN=5b1TQIDWNHbNdCqv9VrTybz thin start
To start a dev server, use shotgun (it reloads files after your changes):
SB_DEFAULT=jimbo SB_TOKEN=5b1TQIDWNHbNdCqv9VrTybz shotgun
If you want to use the alternate Redis backend for local caching, set the SB_STORE environment variable to "redis". If you have options to pass to Redis, set SB_STOREOPTS to a JSON object of the options.
The Redis support uses redisstore, which in turn uses redis-rb.
scoreboard is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
All content in ./assets/ is used under its original license, which is included in that directory.