A cli tool to get old tweets on twitter (inspired by Jefferson-Henrique/GetOldTweets-python).
- Download your search results to a csv file
- No authentication required
- Works out-of-the-box
- Download the latest release from the release page. Supported platforms are Windows, macOS and linux.
- Extract the downloaded
squawks search tweets --out FILENAME [flags]
--exclude strings exclude tweets by type of tweet [hashtags|nativeretweets|retweets|replies] (default [])
--filter strings find tweets by type of account or tweet [verified|follows|media|images|twimg|videos|periscope|vine|consumer_video|pro_video|native_video|links|hashtags|nativeretweets|retweets|replies|safe|news] (default [])
--from string find tweets sent from a certain user
--geocode string find tweets sent from certain coordinates (e.g. 35.6851508,139.7526768,0.1km)
-h, --help help for tweets
--include strings include tweets by type of tweet [hashtags|nativeretweets|retweets|replies] (default [])
--lang string find tweets by a certain language (e.g. en, es, fr)
--near string find tweets nearby a certain location (e.g. tokyo)
-o, --out string output csv filename (required)
-q, --query string query text to search
--since string find tweets since a certain day (e.g. 2014-07-21)
--to string find tweets sent in reply to a certain user
--top find top tweets
--until string find tweets until a certain day (e.g. 2020-09-06)
--url string find tweets containing a certain url (e.g. www.example.com)
--user-agent string set custom user-agent
--within string find tweets nearby a certain location (e.g. 1km)
Get tweets by username:
squawks --from 'barackobama' -o out.csv
Get tweets by query search:
squawks -q 'europe refugees' -o out.csv
Get tweets by username and bound dates:
squawks --from 'barackobama' --since 2015-09-10 --until 2015-09-12 -o out.csv
Get top tweets by username:
squawks --from 'barackobama' --top -o out.csv
make build
make test