Unofficial scraper for the e-sim browser game.
pip install -U e-sim-game-scraper
from e_sim_game_scrapper import EsimScraper
# or from e_sim_game_scrapper.EsimScraper import get_page_data
# Example 1
link = ""
result = EsimScraper.get_page_data(link)
# >>> {'pages': 2, 'drops': [{'nick': 'Taturuski', 'item': 'Bandage size A', 'citizen_id': 912},
# >>> {'nick': 'Sverlio77_77', 'item': 'Bandage size C', 'citizen_id': 307}, ...]}
# Example 2 (locked page)
import requests
from lxml.html import fromstring
tree = fromstring(requests.get(link).text) # this is a locked page, so you actually have to log-in first.
link = ""
result = EsimScraper.get_page_data(link, tree)
# or call the function directly:
result = EsimScraper.showShout(tree)
- achievement
- article
- auction
- battleDrops
- battles
- battlesByWar
- citizenStatistics
- coalitionStatistics
- companiesForSale
- congressElections
- countryEconomyStatistics
- countryPoliticalStatistics
- countryStatistics
- events
- jobMarket
- law
- monetaryMarket
- newCitizenStatistics
- newCitizens
- news
- newspaper
- newspaperStatistics
- party
- partyStatistics
- presidentalElections
- productMarket
- profile
- region
- showShout
- stockCompany
- stockCompanyMoney
- stockCompanyProducts
(Note: not all of them are tested, some of them may not work properly, as those are dynamic pages that may change over time.)
There are tests for most of them locally, but they are not included in the package for now.
The development and maintenance of this bot are ongoing. If you find it valuable, please consider supporting it through a donation:
Your contributions will help ensure the bot's continued improvement and availability for the e-Sim community.