encode and decode base256 encoding as gnu-tar does (supported range is -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991).
npm install base-256
It's a variable length encoding.
const { encode, decode } = require('base-256')
const buf = new Buffer(12)
encode(buf, 2147483647)
// buf here is <Buffer 80 7f ff ff ff
const decodedValue = decode(buf)
// decodedValue is 2147483647
base256.encode(buffer, num)
Pass a buffer and the number that needs to be encoded. The number will be encoded into that buffer.
base256.decode(buf, [offset])
Decode a number from a buffer. If an offset is passed as the second argument the buf should be decoded at that byte offset. The byte offset defaults to 0.
- Throws
if the input yields a number that is out of range (-9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991). - Throws
if the input is of not correct type. - Throws
if the output of decoded value of encoded buffer goes out of range -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740735.