Web application to create translated transcribed text to and from any language during video calls.
- Live translated transcription for users depending on language of their choice.
- Deployed Website
- Agora.io Website
- Demo Video
- SDK NG Documentation
- Sample Video Call App
- Agora RTM SDK Documentation
- RTM Quickstart Guide
- Create Service Accounts and other Pre-Requisites
- Translation API Quickstart
- Guided Blog
- The source code of this project is written in
,Agora RTM SDK
and theAgora SDK NG
. So, you would require the Agora SDKs and a valid App Id to run this project. - You will also need to enable the Cloud Translation API from the Google Cloud Console.
Extract the folder and run index.html
Feel free to contact me via Facebook.
Invite me to connect on LinkedIn.
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MIT © Akshat Gupta
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