Project related to multimodal classification of emotion utilizing langugage and image modalities. It was part of CS-594 course (under Prof. Natalie Parde) requirement at UIC
Details included in the report
Installation Intructions:
- Extract the zip file in root/
- Navigate to root/language_vision directory
- Create a virtual env with conda (assuming the anaconda is already installed) a. conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the environment a. Source activate multimodal-env
- Install the glove embeddings ( from (
- Extract the zip and place the glove.twitter.27B.100d (100-Dimension) file in the root/language_vision/embeddings directory
- Reddit dataset is already filtered and present in the input directory (input_data.csv)
- Navigate to the root/language_vision/src directory
- To run the code a. python3
- Unimodal and fusion results will be printed in the console
Some of common issues:
- You might encounter memory error for creating word2vec for language model as conversion of binary file to dictionary tend to take up lot of space [2-3GB approx.]
Anaconda installation •
[1]Duong, Chi Thang, Remi Lebret, and Karl Aberer. "Multimodal classification for analysing social media." arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.02099 (2017).