This is a desktop-based project developed using JavaFX, created by Akshit Tyagi.
To execute this project, please ensure that you have the following software installed:
- NetBeans IDE 8.2
- JDK 1.8 (with separate JRE and JDK files)
- XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.4 (configure ports for Apache and MySQL - Apache: 80, MySQL: 3306)
- SceneBuilder
- Jasper Reports for billing receipts
Follow these steps to run the project:
- Download and install NetBeans IDE 8.2.
- Download JDK 1.8 and install both JRE and JDK files.
- Download XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.4 and configure the ports for Apache and MySQL (Apache: 80, MySQL: 3306).
- Download and install SceneBuilder.
- Configure the project paths according to your system. Please do not delete the lib JAR files, as they are essential for running the project and providing services for connecting to the database (e.g., ojdbc14.jar).
- Create a database named "redcafe" and the following tables: "employee," "product," "customer," and "receipt." You can find the necessary details in the project's source code.
- Download Jasper Reports for generating billing receipts.
- Run the project in NetBeans IDE, and enjoy its functionality.
Note: This project can be considered an industrial application, as it includes all the expected features in a production-grade application.
If you'd like to contribute to Red Cafe, you are welcome to do so. Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests. Make sure to follow our code formatting standards.
By: Akshit Tyagi