This is an application for playing mp3 files according to a schedule. By using this java-written application you can play the songs anytime you want. This application can be used in schools, houses or other social activities that may require a song in a specific time.
The file named 'Playlist-Scheduler.jar' is an executable jar, which means you can simply start the application by using this file.
- Click Add Music
- Click on the music you added.
- Select a day to set the time.
- The textbox named 'S:' is for starting time.
- Set it to a specific time. (For example 12:24)
- Set a time for pause 'P:' textbox (For example 12:25)
- Click 'Set'
- The time is now set. The program will start playing music when the time comes.
- The program only supports mp3 files for now. That may be changed if needed in the future.
- You have to click on the music after you add it in order to activate the menu.
- To set a time more than one for a song, you have to add the file more than once then set the time.