This project focuses on applying Time series Analysis for predicting store sales utilising modern day models including LSTM and Catboost. The project was done in several steps as follows:
Data Analysis and Preprocessing
- In this part I have focused on conducting extensive initial analysis of the data using time series visualizations and descriptive statistics.
- Visualisations including heatmap, boxplots, bar charts and line plots have been used to understand relationships between Sales and other variables in the dataset.
- Initial preprocessing including handling of outliers and encoding of categorical variables in the dataset was also done in this part.
Feature Engineering and Selection
- New Features were created which could help capture seasonality of the time series in hand.
- Other features such as weekly avg. sales were also included to extract more info. about our features.
- Once feature engineering was done, LASSO and Ridge regression were used to find the best features.
Model Fitting and Evaluations:
- 2 Models were utilized to fit to the data, which include Catboost Algorithm and LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), which is a variant of RNN (Recurrent Neural Network).
- Hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV was also performed for the models to find the best parameters for them.
- The results of the 2 models were evaluated against each other, with catboost performing better achieving an R2 score of 0.97 on unseen data.