This is a demonstration of a REST API deployed using the Serverless Framework. It uses AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB.
- Python 3.8
- Install Serverless
- Install DynamoDB local by running
sls install dynamodb
- Start DynamoDB local by running
sls start dynamodb
- Start the development server by running
IS_OFFLINE=true sls wsgi serve
- Set up your AWS credentials
- Run
sls deploy
- Authentication key will be provided in the Serverless output
GET /movies application/json
sort_column: column name to sort by ['title', 'format' ,'length', 'release_year', 'rating']
sort_dir: sort direction ['asc', 'desc'] (default 'asc')
Returns all movies
GET /movies/<title:string> application/json
title: URL formatted title
Returns a specific movie
POST /movies application/json
x-api-key: <api_key>
body: application/json
"title": <String [1-50]>,
"format": <String ["VHS", "DVD", "Streaming"]>
"length" <Integer [1-500]>,
"release_year": <Integer [1800-2100]>
"rating": <Integer [1-5]>
Creates a new movie
PUT /movies/<title:string> application/json
x-api-key: <api_key>
body: application/json
"title": <String [1-50]>,
"format": <String ["VHS", "DVD", "Streaming"]>
"length" <Integer [1-500]>,
"release_year": <Integer [1800-2100]>
"rating": <Integer [1-5]>
Updates a movie
DELETE /movies/<title:string> application/json
x-api-key: <api_key>
Deletes a movie
pip install pytest
Run pytest
from the root directory